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KotOR II Cut Content


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Darth Insidious is correct with some content was from older builds and story content which was later changed. Some cut content was just these old ideas which were later replaced with the present build of the game.


As lead designer of Revenge of Revan I can tell you I have already have some cut content which was originally in the game but then I changed and tweaked the story or quest which if someone goes hunting might find this small snips of content but they were part of an older build. These snips of content are not meant to be brought back in since they make no sense or work against the present build.


We should look at cut content as a question, does this content fit with the present build or was it part of an early build or even an E3 Demo.


Some times what we see as cut content might just be place holders till the content is finalized and the assets are ready to be placed in game replacing this old/ cut content.




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  • 3 weeks later...

I have done research on this for years and I see Sith H found my first thread on this subject, glad it was findable. I will share more of what I found in both research and talking to people at Obsidian asap, I am just in the middle of a work project...and also I have wanted to support the great work of the TSLRCM project for they are proceeding in a superlative and balanced way to really get back the restorable content that is really part of the story, and they are doing it with superb testing and bug hunting. As noted already, there are bits and pieces of things that were not intended for the final story, and some that were that did not get included... a remarkable story of its own. What you will find in the TSLRCM 1.7 project is the best of the best. More on this as soon as i can. Promise.


I was able to salvage quite a bit from some lost forums that were dedicated to this work, but I have not had time to sort thru all of that content and the files that were posted..and in all of this, we must follow the proper respect for author's restrictions, and share in the proper way.

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