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[TSL] Gauntlet of Combat


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Hello, I don't know if there's something like this already or not (if there is, please tell me!), but I 'd like to see something that is a long gauntlet of enemies, lots of enemies, that my party can wade through as many times as we like.


Say, it could be warped to from anywhere, just use the KSE to give yourself a teleporting armband that takes you there or something.


Lots of Dark Jedi, and at the end, fight all the Sith Lords (Nihilus, Sion, Kreia, plus Revan and Malak) and all the Jedi Masters (the three you track down plus Atris) together against you.


No story or anything, just a way to indulge in pure combat.


It would be cool if the areas only have one way through, so I don't have to worry about ferreting out all the nooks and crannies. (So, for example, the Dxun jungle area would be out.)


How's that sound?

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Let's see, the Mandalorian Camp is a large open space that could be used. The underground base on Telos could be used.


The area of the Malachor Academy just before the final battle with Kreia could be used, if you start on one end and make your way to the other. These are definitely out there.


I mean, would this be simple to make? Just copy the areas (modules, I think they're called?), connect them, and load 'em up with baddies?

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