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Twi'lek Body and Head skin tone difference

Fallen Guardian

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In Kotor 1 all of the Twi'lek's skin tones on their bodies matched the color of their heads, however in Kotor 2 the heads were usually a lot darker than the bodies. Examples:


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Now, I've tried fixing this by darkening the bodies but it won't work and now that I've noticed it, it won't cease to annoy me. Do you guys know how to fix this?

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The darkness comes from the model itself. That's why the skin won't match up with the skin. This is an issue that will *hopefully* be resolved in TSLRCM 1.8.


By hopefully, I mean that I included it in my contributions to TSLRCM, I just hope it doesn't get lost in the mix of things.


Okay, definitely hope that doesn't get lost.

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