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Script help OnNotice - TSL


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I want to have a script where a NPC will perform a certain animation if a specific creature gets close to them. Not sure how to do it or the proper syntax to use. Would I need to set up a radius around the npc and if the creature enters it, the animation is played or does this need to be OnNotice. I only want it done when the creature is practically on top or very close to him. Thanks for any help.

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OnNotice, OnPerception, OnSight... they all work the same way, at different radius size "bubbles".


I would think that you could use a generic OnPerception script with an additional logic check to verify that which has been noticed is what you actually want noticed.


void main()
 int nEvent = GetUserDefinedEventNumber();   // OnPerception
 object oNoticer=GetObjectByTag();
 object oNoticed=GetObjectByTag();

 if (nEvent == 1002) && (GetObjectByTag(oNoticed) == yournoticedtag)    
    AssignCommand(OBJECT_SELF, ActionPlayAnimation(x,x,x));


This would work fine for K1, I would think it should work for TSL as well.

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  newbiemodder said:
when compiling...it's giving me a syntax error at &&
Copy that.


The issue is probably with the parens. Try several different paren situations, such as:


if ((nEvent == 1002) && (GetObjectByTag(oNoticed) == yournoticedtag))


if (nEvent == 1002) && (GetObjectByTag(oNoticed) == (yournoticedtag))


if (nEvent == 1002) && ((GetObjectByTag(oNoticed)) == (yournoticedtag))


if ((nEvent == 1002) && ((GetObjectByTag(oNoticed)) == (yournoticedtag)))




Probably the last one... sorry, not at a PC that can compile ATM




if ((nEvent == 1002) && (GetObjectByTag(oNoticed) == "yournoticedtag")) 

will compile. Sorry about that!

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