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Fight the most famous Jedi and Sith mod?

Darth GSJ

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Anyone think they can make a mod for Kotor or TSL, that would allow you duel (perhaps in a simulation) and test your skills against some of the most famous people in the SW universe?


Some ideas...


Marka Ragnos

Naga Sadow

Tulok Hord

Ajunta Pal

Freedon Nad

Exaar kun

Darth Bane

Darth Sidious

Darth Maul



Luke Skywalker

Darth Vader


Sorta a fantasy of mine for quite a while.

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I think that the scripting for that would be really easy, maybe I could do it if I look up some old stuff and tutorials (I forgot about). But there's a problem with the models and skins as you'll hardly find someone who'd do that for you. (Models for animated things - like NPCs - are near-impossible to create as far as I know.)

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Could we re-skin pre-existing models? Maybe use a Carth model, Jolee model or Darth Malak model, for example, and slap some paint on them? Or maybe just use a generic Dark Jedi model, if re-skinning is just too dificult.


Either way if you are interested in maybe trying this out I would very much like to help with choosing stats, powers, and items for the various combatants. I think the main idea would be to make them as true to character as possible and reflect their strengths and skills accurately. Perhaps even have a circuit of progression with the combatants getting stronger and stronger till the most powerfull one is finally battled.


Just some thoughts about what could be involved, as I shared before I've been pining over this idea for years.

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I may try that, but again I know very little about code and modding. I was really hoping I could tempt someone with the idea who could then take it over. But If I can find some skins and get permissions any takers on trying to script this as a simulation for TSL?

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