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CD/DVD drive missing(?)


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I have a Compaq Presario F700. The Problem occurred while I was running off of Windows 7 Home Premium, upgraded from Vista. Windows 7 was completely compatible for my computer and for close to a year I never experienced any other problems.


Just recently my cd/dvd drive stop detecting any kind of media loaded into the tray, e.g. dvds, cds, game disks.


When looking in My Computer all that is displayed is local drive C: and my partition D:, but E: is completely missing.


I have tried to do a system recovery, which reverted my computer back to Vista along with the original factory setting and this did not fix the problem. I briefly looked on Microsoft support forums and people with similar problems claimed it was to do with a Registry which needed to be edited.


Now I'm no dummy when it comes to computers but registries are another story.


The tray still opens with no problem and the light on it comes on, the disk also start spinning but nothing ever happens.


Does any one have any ideas?

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