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Class Focus: Sith Warrior


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Fact Sheet Species:*Human, Cyborg, Zabrak, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood Starting World:*Korriban Combat Type:*Tanking, DPS Weaponry:*Lightsabers Armor:*Medium Armor, Heavy Armor Ship:*Fury Famous Sith Warriors: Darth Vader, Darth Malgus, Darth Krayt Summary The most recognizable of the Sith classes, the Sith Warrior strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies and dominates through strength, power and intimidation. Channeling [...]


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I have to say that I had a lot of fun playing as a Sith Warrior... especially since my Sith Warrior was a nicer Sith than most since I chose all of the light side decisions. It's really interesting to see how things play out since you're pretty much walking an extremely fine line with the way the Empire and the Dark Lords of the Sith are and the way your character chooses to act... story wise, I think it's the best class I've played yet.


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Also, I'm really happy with the look of the character I made in beta...

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I saw that. Pretty Badass. :) One can just imagine the fanfics and fanart that will ensue.


Yeah a friend of mine actually is beta testing as we speak right now.


Actually I'm curious about some stuff if you don't mind.


Class specific:

Are lightsabers fairly plentiful?

The way I played TSL, I made sure I had no less than 3 and I was constantly putting them on the workbench/T3 to change them up for each and every situation. I had one I usually made for blaster deflection or defense in general, one I'd alternate between melee and high damage or specialty damage, and another for balance and specially for destroying droids. Since this class forgoes tanking, is this even more critical now? How about relying on stealth? Do skills come anything like they did for the original games?


General Questions:

Any references to the original games? :D

I see that Malgus-style respirator, is it common? :p

Did they really restrict the red blades to only sith origin characters?

In terms of loot, how limited are you in what you can pick up? Is there a storage cache for all those goodies you might want for later but may not be able to use now and need to free up carrying space?

Do PvP duels wager stuff? Upon death in any case, do you lose things or currency? (I.E. Dragon Quest, fall to 0 HP and you end up at a save point usually with half your gold taken away, GTA4 get killed and you end up at the hospital and 10% of your total $ is taken away, etc.)

Can you give an estimate of the size of one planet (by that I mean does it make San Andreas look small)?

As far as companions, are there others not mentioned yet? Do the ones form other classes show up at all?




On a positive side note, while I doubt my current rig (eMachines T5274) is capable of playing, Best Buy finally saw eye to eye with me today on that code. They aren't so bad afterall. :D

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Fair warning in advance, some of these answers could be considered in the spoiler territory, so yeah.


Class specific:

Are lightsabers fairly plentiful?

The way I played TSL, I made sure I had no less than 3 and I was constantly putting them on the workbench/T3 to change them up for each and every situation. I had one I usually made for blaster deflection or defense in general, one I'd alternate between melee and high damage or specialty damage, and another for balance and specially for destroying droids. Since this class forgoes tanking, is this even more critical now? How about relying on stealth? Do skills come anything like they did for the original games?

Well you wont be picking up lightsabers as loot very often, and they aren't necessarily tied to the enemy you're fighting. For example I've fought enemies that wield lightsabers and drop blaster pistols as loot. Vendors do sell them though, and there is a crafting system in place that allows you to make your own modifications (think crystals from KotOR) to custom tailor them to your needs. However, you can't freely swap mods in and out of your weapon, once you put a mod in it permanently replaces whatever was in it before, you don't get the previous mod back.


On the flip side, the way the stats work once you can make or mod a better lightsaber, there is no need to ever go back. The game mechanics are such that you wont need to micro-manage your ligthsabers as you described for KotOR. As far as stealth goes, only a couple of the advanced classes in each faction can make use of stealth, the Sith Warrior is not one of them. I haven't tested a stealth capable character, so I can't tell you much on how the mechanics work.


General Questions:

Any references to the original games? :D

I see that Malgus-style respirator, is it common? :p

Did they really restrict the red blades to only sith origin characters?

In terms of loot, how limited are you in what you can pick up? Is there a storage cache for all those goodies you might want for later but may not be able to use now and need to free up carrying space?

Do PvP duels wager stuff? Upon death in any case, do you lose things or currency? (I.E. Dragon Quest, fall to 0 HP and you end up at a save point usually with half your gold taken away, GTA4 get killed and you end up at the hospital and 10% of your total $ is taken away, etc.)

Can you give an estimate of the size of one planet (by that I mean does it make San Andreas look small)?

As far as companions, are there others not mentioned yet? Do the ones form other classes show up at all?

  • Yes there are references to KotOR.
  • From merely running around looking at other people's characters, that Sith mask is common.
  • Blade color restriction does seem to have Red/Orange/Purple as Sith, Blue/Green/Yellow as Jedi, at least in this current build, I did at one point have a Red lightsaber on my Jedi Sentinel.
  • Loot, at the moment you start out with 30 inventory space, you can use credits to buy more, once you get your personal ship, it comes with storage, 80 spots to start.
  • Haven't done any PvP so I can't really tell you much, PvE death however I can say a bit about, when you die there are a couple penalties you have to wait for a "respawn timer" usually no more than a minute, or another player character can revive you. Also your equipment degrades, costing you credits to repair at any vendor.
  • The Planets vary in size, the starter planets tending to be smaller in nature and generally they aren't very open worlds such as a GTA game, or SWGalaxies if you've played that. Size-wise... I guess each planet would be about the size of a city in Assassin's Creed XD. Be prepared to do a lot of running, you'll be begging for a speeder.
  • As far as unmentioned companions, yes there are some, I believe each class has a total of 5 combat companions, not positive on that though. Oh and yes if other players have their companion with them, you will see them, but their Name Plate will say "Darth Awesome's Companion" it wont say "Vette" like yours would.

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