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Product Key Already Used


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So yesterday I got TOR. I installed the game, and proceeded with the creation of an account. All good so I Reedem the product key, I did it, and my game got the check but then when I entered my code on Reedem game time it said that the Code has already been used. ?? Is there anyone having the same problem as me?

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Well I went to log in today and the Launcher said i hadn't got an active subscription and to see Tor website... I input my game code when Origin sent them out last week
There has been some confusion about this. You may not like this, but it's how it is:


Whether you were part of early access or just bought the game at launch, registering the product key is not enough. To get your 30 days of free game time, you will need to register your subscription plan (registering via credit card or Visa) or input a prepaid game code to activate your account.

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Yeah, the guy from the store didn't informed me the subscription process correctly, he told me I could play with the 30 day free game time. But I bought the subscription with paypal ... and all I got to say is this game is freekyn awesome!

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There has been some confusion about this. You may not like this, but it's how it is:


Whether you were part of early access or just bought the game at launch, registering the product key is not enough. To get your 30 days of free game time, you will need to register your subscription plan (registering via credit card or Visa) or input a prepaid game code to activate your account.


sorry I didn't reply earlier, but yea, I figured that out eventually lol. Doh! :)

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