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A fast code


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I think wait needs a time period, like wait .5 or .05.


Thanks for the help but it still doesn't work.I don't know will it help but when i execute my .cfg file the character automacly jumps as if im holding the jump button.And when i press the binded key the character mooves forward and nothing else.I also observed that when i press right CTRL the character again gumps the same way.Don't ask me why.There must be a way.

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Try this:

bind Y "+forward; wait 1; force_speed; wait 1; +moveup"


Didn't work.Same thing as above.


Try this:

Also try chaning the order. speed, forward, up


As soon as i pressed the buton it worked but i coudn't stop walking.And after that just swiched force speed i think.


or speed, up, forward.


Exactly as speed, forward, up.And again the same result.Ughhh.I'm not ready to give up.It has to be possible.

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So one version made the character do the correct jump, but after the jump the character kept walking forward?


If that is the case put a wait 1 after the +forward and +up.


"force_speed; wait 1; +moveup; [b]wait 1[b]; +forward; [b]wait 1[b]"


"force_speed; wait 1; +forward; [b]wait 1[b]; +moveup; [b]wait 1[b]"


Same result.I also tryed:

"force_speed; wait 1; +moveup; [b]wait 1[b]; +forward"
"force_speed; wait 1; +moveup; wait 1; +forward; [b]wait 1[b]"
"force_speed; wait 1; +forward; wait 1; +moveup; [b]wait 1[b]"
"force_speed; wait 1; +forward; [b]wait 1[b]; +moveup"


And like every time after the long jump is performed i began to walk and the crouch and meditate cheat turns into jump.Every time i press the binded key force speed turns on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay. If "+" means push the button and "-" means release the button, then try this:


bind x "force_speed; +moveup; +forward; wait 5; -moveup; -forward"


Yeah!It worked!Thanks to all for helping.And specialy thanks to katanamaru for often helping me out and sticking here.

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