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Fanmade Bone Wagon model and Manny's Office

Mike Andrews

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I would like to share with You my latest works related to Grim Fandango as a tribute.


it's a bone wagon 3d model



comes also with a video http://www.behance.net/gallery/Bone-Wagon/7661153


The other thing is Manny's office


and the whole project is to be seen here



I hope You'll like it.

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I am very impressed by this. 2013 seems to be a good year for grim fandango fan work.

The bone wagon has great details. I saw your movie on Youtube if i am not mistaking, damn nice, especially with the music =D


How long did it take to create all of this?


I also recreated the office computer in Salvadors secret hideout and man, took me ages. I didn't even try to construct the keyboard :D


Anyway, good job, will there will more in the future?

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I don't remeber exactly but it took me a week by far. Several hours of continous work every day. After making the basic shape I decided to make it more complex - add wires, make red cushions and engine details. The details were made afterwards to make it more believable;). I wanted it to look better than in the game, nice and round.


I think it's a matter of patience and determination;) When I know how to create specific shape I just do it.


Making of video wasn't that hard. About music - theres no music suiting this vehicle better than bone wagon theme;)


I'm trying to recreate as much as I can...would like to make it more interactive. To make GF Remake or Sequel is my purpose (and dream)...but it would take lots of time, so I'd need to look for some help with that.

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I don't want to over-criticize your work--it looks good--but...is there any ground clearance at all with the passenger section of the car? It looks like you're taking the line about "scraping along the ground like rats" a little too literally. Fine job, otherwise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@MeddlingMonk - Yes there is a little tiny space between ground and the back of the car, albeit it should be more. I see now, after some time that some things could be done better.


@Alexrd - it takes "days" and "hours";) I usually don't count exactly every hour but I was making that over a week, every day 2-4 hours. Like I wrote before, after making basic stuff I was adding some new elements every other day to make it better.

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Great looking Bone Wagon! Even better than the original. It really is amazing to see how GF still inspires so many people to create these beautiful works of art. Many thanks to Mike for his time & skill.

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