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Delphi's Clone

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WOW I'm actually posting somthing about GB wow lol

I have a few Q's


How come every body here flames ppl that say anything angainst GB?

I mean some of the ppl that diss this game have good arguments.

This game is almost like AOE i actulaaly hated the Age of empires game as I did not like starcraft the two game was too slow they took for ever.


the graphics look 3-4 years too old and i dont think they will get improved too much.


I played about 3 internet games and i'm already kind of bord of it

i think we will all play this game for a month and put it in the corner. Hmmmm what ever happend to my AOE CD ummm oh ya its there under that dust that's as thik as a rug lol.




all in all i'm just trying to say dont flanme and diss every one that has something to say against the game some have logical points


i think they should haveused the AOE2 engine or RA2 would have bin alot better


please dont flame or diss me I ment to be respectful and i hope you will be that to


pllease do comment.

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Guest TS_Y0DA

O ok, Ive never actually played RA2 although I have played the first one. The most annoying thing I found about RA is that with only a few resource carrying unit it was too easy to wipe out someones economy. I like the idea of many vilegers so it doesnt matter if you lose a few.

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Guest DS_StarViper

I am Delphi from Westwood. the one who was top desighner in RA2



A big designer who can't spell, makes u wonder what the worlds coming to these days

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Guest DS_StarViper

I'm not saying he isn't from westwood I'm just saying that it is kind of sad that he cant spell designer, whether he is or not thats still sad

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There's a lotta differences between thse two games :


Westwood Games (C&C, Dune) : Instant fun, quicker missions, cool units, fun cutscenes that make a lotta atmosphere


Ensemble, Blizzard (Ages, -Crafts) : more tactical options, more economical options, more epic scope



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Guest porkins14

"all in all i'm just trying to say dont flanme and diss every one that has something to say against the game some have logical points"


I totally agree, however, most people that are against the game come in here with really stupid points. They tend to compare the demo of this game to complete versions of games such as starcraft which isnt very intelligent. They also pick out the smallest stuff and flame about it. For example, Darth Vader's swinging gaily will not make this a bad game. Do I wish he was more masculine in his approach, yes. Do I think thats what will make or break this game, NO. People against this game jsut tend to have really poor arguing skills and just try to make people mad, in fact, you are one of the only poeople i ahave seen who posted negatively in an intelligent matter. My point is this:


Us guys who like this game tend to know the most because we cant get enough reading about it. It really *** that guys who dont like it and havent even taken the fricking time to read a tech tree have to come along and flame.

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You know for a Westwood Studios Top Designer he/she talks alot like a 14yr who cant appreciate Strategy and thinks Quake 3 Deathmatches are the best games in existance.. no offence to anyone but people who go on like mindless Deathmatches are so great are annoying.


In the case of Obi Wan for XboX or Jedi Knight 3 for PC, that is good, theres an actually storyline to the killing.

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so you are respectively saying that the grafics look to old, the game is to slow, and your already bored with it?


think of it this way: you've played what, 3 games on the same map and are bored! no wonder. when the game comes out just about every map will be different and you can reach the last tech level where all the civs start to show their differences. the art i don't think will change to much but some of it doesn't look to shaby.

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Originally posted by Com Raven

There's a lotta differences between thse two games :


Westwood Games (C&C, Dune) : Instant fun, quicker missions, cool units, fun cutscenes that make a lotta atmosphere


Ensemble, Blizzard (Ages, -Crafts) : more tactical options, more economical options, more epic scope





good summary there, raven. personally, i think LEC will be fine with this game although i wish they added some spice to it but incorporationg some SC features such as mines or even units burrowing. however, i think this game will have tremendous replay value from taking the AOK engine and adding their own new tidbits such as more maps, air units, etc.

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Guest isthisfor_real

I dont see why you think he is the only person who has posted in an intelligent matter on this subject. Is it to compare this post to all the others and say this is bad just imagine how bad the others are.


Sorry but I think you should read more rather than gloat about how much more you know than everyone because you read a tech tree.

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What are you talking about who ever said I like Quake 3 lol to tell you the truth i've never played the game in my life I love RTS games I just don't have that much time on my hands thats why games like RA2 are perfect for me they have high fun, strategy, and they dont take alot of time. On the other hand games like AOE and Starcraft take a long time, get boaring after a month or so and that's about it.Why do you say I don't appreciate strategy? Well stop talking about thing you dont know anything about.

I love Quake 3 lol i never had anyone say that to me lol


i agree with all the other posts god your post especially, made


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Guest Rector Gray

I don not see why poeple are dissin' this game! It has better graphics, it has a training program, and it even has a Landscape editor!! it is better than starcraft, force commander, and a few others I'd seen and played!! :confused: why dis on such a good game?!?! WHY?!?!?!

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Originally posted by Delphi-WS



I love RTS games I just don't have that much time on my hands thats why games like RA2 are perfect for me they have high fun, strategy, and they dont take alot of time. On the other hand games like AOE and Starcraft take a long time, get boaring after a month or so and that's about it.Why do you say I don't appreciate strategy?




OMG AOE and SC get borin?!?!?!?! o how long ago was it when SC was launched? huh years and years and even now there r loads.....LOADS of ppl sayin how good it is and that they still play it...i know i do and am sure others do by their posts.......AOE is the same its still nice to quickly bring back AOE out of the cupboard and have a battle. it has that quality the games like RA will never have..... i played all the c&c's every one of em and i found that after bout a week when they lay beaten on all the levels of difficulty. u say u love stratagy yet u just dissed two of the best examples of the genre......RA2 isnt bout stratagy or balanced armies...its about either loads of zepplins or loads ofprism tanks. occasuionly u get a balanced play who attempts to try a stratagy on ur massed one unit armies and then gets pounded.....there no stratagy.......

so leave those two great games alone........


sorry had to say it...........


WESTWOOD MY ARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i guess you must only play solo missions lol difficulty easy med and hard are all easy try playing against a person for once lol and if you ask me and loads of oither people then they will say RA is the best rts ever so your just the minority and i wont komment the westwood thing the only reason i dont like AOE and SC is they take alot of time and i have not much time on my hands.


PS:why do you flame me?? wait theres the answer: your probly just a littel 13 year old that thinks it's cool flameing people lol get a life!!!



your dear Delphi-WS

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