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I've never played Monkey Island 2!!! Is there any way y'all can help?

Pollo de Diablo

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Whoops, it's only called the Bounty Pack in the UK. In the US, you can get MI 1 & 2 in the LEC Archive's series release of Curse of Monkey Island, but only the UK players will be able to find anything called the Bounty Pack.



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Isak, even if you don't say where to download, you're still giving the idea that it's ok to download the games, which it isn't coz Lucas Arts will lose money out of it, especially if everyone downloads just one game, thats a loss of money to computer game companies- it might not seem like much, but it all mounts up and that one game you downloaded could be the difference between a company like Lucas Arts having enough money to produce another game



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do you really think that lucasarts is still making money on MI2?? I don't think so.Besides, people should have the liberty to play games that you can't get anywere...


if somebody has an good arguement why I should NOT post the link, I would like to hear them... otherwise i'll post it in 2 hours....

I mean, ya can't be e real monkey island fan if you didn't played them all (:o ) :) :)

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If Monkey Island is free-ware or share-ware or whatever it's called, then yes by all means you can post the link, but the thing is Lucas Arts haven't said that MI is share-ware so you just have to put up. Be warned, any posting of links to sites where you can download any of the MI games, the post will either be edited or deleted, and the topic will be closed down promptly (ok it will be closed down by me- however some of the other mods may leave it open)


You don't seem to realize how popular the earlier MI games are. I personally don't have them as such, but my aunty does so I've borrowed the disks off her and installed them onto my computer. (I also lent her CMI and EMI) If you can't find the game to buy, then borrow it off a friend or relative.

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Originally posted by Natty

If Monkey Island is free-ware or share-ware or whatever it's called, then yes by all means you can post the link, but the thing is Lucas Arts haven't said that MI is share-ware so you just have to put up.


Um, click the link to my website for the LEGAL demos if you like (it's in my sig). I recomend the rolling MI2 one it's so cool! :)



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Originally posted by Meksilon


Um, click the link to my website for the LEGAL demos if you like (it's in my sig). I recomend the rolling MI2 one it's so cool! :)




I meant the full game- there's nothing wrong with demos- well I don't fink there is :) Demos are there so that people can sample the game, realize they either like it or hate it and then decide if they wanna buy the game or not :)

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Originally posted by Natty

Isak, even if you don't say where to download, you're still giving the idea that it's ok to download the games, which it isn't coz Lucas Arts will lose money out of it, especially if everyone downloads just one game, thats a loss of money to computer game companies- it might not seem like much, but it all mounts up and that one game you downloaded could be the difference between a company like Lucas Arts having enough money to produce another game

Your argument has a flow:

LucasArts would "lose" money if only if they would paid for a copy. If you think a little, they would not do it because :

1) They don't have enough money and therefor they can't buy a copy.

2) They have enough money, but they prefer to buy other things with it and therefor they would not buy a copy.

read why software should not have owners by

Richard Stallman

Originally posted by Grannen

There is no reason why you should publish links to pirate copys of games!

Please, read Words and Phrases that are Worth Avoiding

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Originally posted by Grannen


Ok, then in Swedish!


Du skall ge fan i att publisera var man kan finna pirat-kopior!


Is that better?


So I have to think that you belive that sharing software is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnaping and murdering the people on them, don't I?

If you don't belive that then don't use that kind of words in any language that you know.

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Originally posted by GuybrushT


So I have to think that you belive that sharing software is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnaping and murdering the people on them, don't I?

If you don't belive that then don't use that kind of words in any language that you know.


I do?? :D

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Originally posted by GuybrushT

Your argument has a flow:

LucasArts would "lose" money if only if they would paid for a copy. If you think a little, they would not do it because :

1) They don't have enough money and therefor they can't buy a copy.

2) They have enough money, but they prefer to buy other things with it and therefor they would not buy a copy.[/url]


Piracy is stealing. What you are paying for when you buy a pice of softwear is a right to use it. Now stingy little pricks like you who are too tight to spend money on the things they want will steal them instead, this could be food, it could be a car, a sterio, or where they have less chance at being caught: softwear.


The DVD swapmeet I frequent does not tolerate any form of piracy and neither does this forum. In this situation LucasArts does not receive the money they are entitled too where you illegaly use their softwear, and so YES they are quite litterally loosing money even before they spend money to help prevent piracy.


Y O U A R E A C O C K S U C K E R , I W I S H Y O U W O U L D L E A V E .


= M E K =

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Guybrush T if you don't like the fact we don't tollerate piracy and the fact it's stealing (maybe you should use a dictionary to look up the meaning of words sometime, they can be quite useful) then you can leave and don't come back, find some other forum which says "sure download SMI and MI2, even though it's still avalible to buy. I'm sure you'll find most MI forums will say the exact same thing, it's illegal and not fair on Lucasarts, and I am coming this ( ) close to closing down this topic

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I forgot to bash: I've heard it before GuybrushT. You may as well say "Books can be copied because you can borrow them for free at the library" or "It's okay to steal a TV from Harvy Norman, they have thousands more".


SO many people say "thoes who buy pirated movies, or pirate softwear wouldn't buy originals anyway" - well thoes people are scum.


And so are you; SOME games were made legaly freeware One Must Fall 2097 for instance, but many others have not been. In Australia piracy is a criminal offence and can be punnished with a gaol sentance. Do you need me to spell that out for you? It's like downloading MP3s you don't own, it's illegal. And you can be put behind bars for doing it, let alone encouraging it and/or selling pirated crap.


I know of a website that sells REAL (gold) duel layer DVDs which are perfect copies of original duel layer DVDs (of course single layer discs are also sold, but they are the easy ones to pirate). And it sells them for US$13 each, free shipping. I don't own any pirated discs, I own originals because I'm not an arsehole. I pay for what I use, own, and enjoy (except I don't pay my friends, family or girlfriend).



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Follow this link to see a list of word that is worth to avoid.


The law doesn't define justice or ethical conduct.

For example, in the past it was legal to own slaves.

Your analogy betwen physical objects and ideas overlooks a crucial difference: information can be copied and shared almost effortlessly, while material objects can't be.


Sharing software is not "stealing", nor "theft''.

Our idea of "theft" with material objets is to take something away, it doesn't apply to make a copy.


Copyright is supposed "to promote the progress of Science and useful arts", not to reward authors (or their employers/publishers).


All users of software should be free to use, copy, modify( fix errors and improve) and distribute (share with others) the software that they use.

That's free software. As in "users should be free", free in "free software" refers to freedom, not price.

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Originally posted by GuybrushT

The law doesn't define justice or ethical conduct.

For example, in the past it was legal to own slaves.

Your analogy betwen physical objects and ideas overlooks a crucial difference: information can be copied and shared almost effortlessly, while material objects can't be.


So you're saying if I paint a painting and I sell prints of it for maybe $20 each you think you should be entitled to take photos and make your own prints? I would concider that theft.


This is supprisingly similar to a moral mystery I had; whereby it is a well know fact that one who does not know the diffrence between right and wring is insane. But who's to say what is right or wrong if not God himself? The line between right and wrong is actually somewhat fuzzy... clearing it up takes a great ammount of wisdom.


Your saying "softwear should not have owners" is like saing "electricity should be provided free". And then you could go on about how it's only electrons which can't be owned. Or "you should be able to COPY a book page by page because you are not materially depriving anyone".


You're full of **** - softwear licences are a service, you are talking to me. Daniel. MEKSILON. THE KING OF ANTI-MATERILISIM. But you have to respect other's rights. You obviously have no idea what the diffrence between right and wrong is, clearly you cannot understand that piracy is wrong, clearly you don't know why you shouldn't disrespect copyright.


IF you werea coputer programmer, IF you made a program to call your own you would not want it violated. One person told me they once made a program open-source it was a download manager for a site that didn't allow download managers, and the second he released it everyone called it their own. Not only that, but I'm SURE many others edited the source code to include a trojan, back door or other harmful information.


Grow a **** so you can toss-off.



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Originally posted by Natty

If Monkey Island is free-ware or share-ware or whatever it's called, then yes by all means you can post the link, but the thing is Lucas Arts haven't said that MI is share-ware so you just have to put up. Be warned, any posting of links to sites where you can download any of the MI games, the post will either be edited or deleted, and the topic will be closed down promptly (ok it will be closed down by me- however some of the other mods may leave it open)


You don't seem to realize how popular the earlier MI games are. I personally don't have them as such, but my aunty does so I've borrowed the disks off her and installed them onto my computer. (I also lent her CMI and EMI) If you can't find the game to buy, then borrow it off a friend or relative.


What a hypocrite you are.


All your saying is that its ok to play the game illegaly as long as you got it from someone you know, instead of someone you don't know.


That is really pathetic, you'd think that mods would try be role models for other forum members

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