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Favorite Non-Demonic Skull Character?


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I like Mr. Fossy, Wally and Elaine, Guybrush and Mu-- Burray! ya know "Burray" the uh... guy... who... uh...



-Blaze Marley-Flamestrike


AIM: Chocobo Blaze

Neopets: perbulbadash

Monkey Mug.com The Monkey Island Fan Site http://www.monkeymug.com


"What kind of word is flume anyway? FLUME, FLUME.... FLUME..." - Guybrush Threepwood


[This message has been edited by Blaze_Marley-Flamestrike (edited November 04, 2001).]

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i dont why im responding cuz its so obvious..


second would probably be Blondbeard and then it would probably Charles DeGoulash..hes like a pimp...did u see the way he hadles Minnie Goodsoup..and Minne is Miss Blood Island.



<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/ab6/griswold/q.gif" border=0>

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hard choice. I love Domingo and of course Kenny, but I would

have to say top favorites are Guybrush, Wally (formally known as Bloodnose), Minnie and Charles DeGoulash, Wharf Rat, and of course, who could forget the epitomy of every annoying salesman or telemarketer, Stan himself.:cool:






"Considering that mixing alcohol with medicine is highly dangerous and possibly lethal, if I weren't a lovably inept cartoon character with the potential for a few more sequels, I wouldn't even think of it."






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  • 4 weeks later...

Oooh, so hard.


1. The Barbers, most especially Haggis!

2. Madame Xima. I love annoying her, and she has a cool voice.

3. Minnie Goodsoup and Charles DeGoulash. They're just funny. :D

4. King Andre. I recognized his voice as being the pawnshop merchant in King's Quest VI and I just loved it.

5. The Lost Welshman. I don't know why but he's just great.


For some reason, Dinghy Dog annoyed the living daylights out of me. No idea why.

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Originally posted by Dinghy Dog

Alright, I'm starting a string that is sure to start some conversation. Who is your favorite character from CMI, but not Murray? I know everyone loves Murray, and it's obvious that everyone would choose him, but let's think beyond Murray for just a brief moment. So, who is your favorite non-demonic skull character from CMI?





Hey, duder the question was which character in CMI, read above!

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Originally posted by phesantblink182

Haggis and threepwood are my favorites!


Speaking of 'Threepwood', my favorite character is the only one that calls him Threepwood. Duh nuh nuh nuh: LeChuck! Both Zombie and Demon are cool. And he is sooo funny.


"With the Demon flames of this voodoo cannonball, I'll blast my significant other into the significant other world! ...That'll show her how much I truely care." Demon cannonball blows up LeChuck...LeChuck turns into a demon! That's why he's a demon! I just figured that out....

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