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My fellow LucasForumites...

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...too long have we languished under the whips of our taskmasters; the supposed "ubermensch". We have endured their insults, their tauntings, their exclusion and their imposition of "Prima Nocta" upon our posts, thereby depriving us of our natural-born right to properly respond to their jibes.



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I am sorry, but you will have to leave. This is a revolutionary organization, thus, there is a clear "Liberals Only" sign at the door.


By the way, your party's logo sucks. A tree? Pathetic. It should be a barrel of agent orange to use on the Labour Party's roses.

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Oh what's this then? A little zoo, mayhap? Are those the creatures my professor called eh, what was the term now- yes, proletariat? Yes, I do think so. Quite amusing now, look at how they jump on those branches and- attaboy! Well, all seems to be in order then, let's move on, I am looking forward to my tea. o_Q

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