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Tales from the designated driver side of it.


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Yup. That's right the tales of people who got drunk when you *didn't* get drunk. You don't have to be an actual alchoholic to be here necessarily--if you're sober but have tales revolving around booze, hey, this thread is for you.


I'm your "designated driver" buddy. Sure I drank. I'm much more on the clean side of stuff, nowadays. I figure why make it hard for those who don't drink here on LF?


OR maybe you just like to "pull a Ric Flair" every once in a while. A "Ric" is basically where you have a party you go to, *YOU* don't imbibe, but you buy drinks for others and watch 'em get all stupid and recount the magic--or the freak happs on the scene. :lol:


This be the thread for it. Designated driver, host, whatever.

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Ah, I think every gets to play this role at least once.


Let's see, there was one like two years ago, on a BBQ. It was on a small ranch of one of my classmates on my old HS class. I had to stay sober because I was with my younger cousin and had to keep watching her, so none of those drunk vultures would make approaches.


I can say I saw some pretty amusing stuff from my pals with higher levels of alcohol on the blood, but that belongs to another thread.


All in all, it was nice being on the other side for a while, but not as rewarding. :D

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