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Jawas HAVE to be in the xpac

Guest Imperial Jawa

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Guest Imperial Jawa

I know this would not work very well and they couldnt compete too well against other civs but tehy HAVE to be in for their sheer coolness factor. Imagine being bum rushed by midgets heh that would be great.:atat:

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Hey Jawa, welcome to the boards..


it's a very nice idea and i can see how it's exciting to you. the thought of huge sandcrawlers coming at you is very nice.. Maybe Jawa's could form a combined civ with the Tusken Raiders.. That way you'd have a Tatooine-natives civ and they would have some serious fighting units..


If not a fighting civ, Jawa's could be used as a typical trading-factor in the game. Roaming sandcrawlers could be clicked on to sell / buy resources..


great idea ! keep 'em coming !

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Guest Tie Guy

Hi Jawa.


Welll...i don't think that a Tatooine civ would work, but they certainly would be cool if they were nonplayble. Kinda like the wild animals in AOK, except you can't hunt them. :D

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Hi Jawa.


Welll...i don't think that a Tatooine civ would work, but they certainly would be cool if they were nonplayble. Kinda like the wild animals in AOK, except you can't hunt them. :D

I like what you said Tie, except the end. Why can't you hunt them?:D

I got an idea! Maybe the Jawas can steal your droids? Or ionize your ships?

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Well don't give me credit on that idea. TIE Guy posted it:

-----TIE Guy----

Welll...i don't think that a Tatooine civ would work, but they certainly would be cool if they were nonplayble. Kinda like the wild animals in AOK, except you can't hunt them.


I think it is an awesome idea just the same:D

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Guest Imperial Jawa

Great idea Paragon!


The jawas did salvage pretty much everything they could find, and im sure if they wanted to they could be capable of building an aireal combat unit.


Or, they could make the civ not have air units at all, but make themgood in other areas. This probably wouldnt work, but they could just give them a very weak airforce. Think the Aztecs navy in AoK ;)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Kvan

I like what you said Tie, except the end. Why can't you hunt them?:D

I got an idea! Maybe the Jawas can steal your droids? Or ionize your ships?


Of course i dind't mean you couldn't kill. No no, that would be absurd. I mean that you couldn't hunt them and use their carcass to gatheras food.


About the Jawas and tuskans, it really wouldn't work. Trust me. They might be able to dream up some air units, but they could never think up up boats for them, and every civ has to have boats. Also, they could have weak air units, but then they'd have to have very strong troops or mechs, which they don't really have alot of either. Sorry, nice idea though.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Of course i dind't mean you couldn't kill. No no, that would be absurd. I mean that you couldn't hunt them and use their carcass to gatheras food.


About the Jawas and tuskans, it really wouldn't work. Trust me. They might be able to dream up some air units, but they could never think up up boats for them, and every civ has to have boats. Also, they could have weak air units, but then they'd have to have very strong troops or mechs, which they don't really have alot of either. Sorry, nice idea though.

Why can't they be used as food? Ben Kenobi had a jawa steak or two. You see him cooking them right before Luke runs off to check on his Aunt and Uncle....and they were cooked too....hmmmmm...

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

He wasn't cooking them, he didn't want them to be eaten by scavengers.

It was a joke, sheesh!

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

Sorry Kvan , it seems I don't quite get when you're joking and when you're not.


I'll try to.

Just remember, if I say something that isn't correct, that means I'm joking. ;)

Anyway to stay on topic before Leon comes and takes this topic away to never-never land, Imp Jawa I don't think the Jawa's have enough variety. You have tall jawas in brown coats and small Jawas in brown coats. Plus they are really only limited to Tatooine.

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