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Custom LucasArts boxes


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Tonigh I printed the designs and wrapped a box. It turned out quite nice. I don’t have time to make contents for it until August so it’s empty 😀


The border on the front is thinner then it is original, this is intentional as I made a template for making other boxes as well. As well as not putting on any labels, system information etc.


The size is exact to my original LucasArts (though I know they came in many different size as well)



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Some of the screenshots on the original Sam & Max box are different than in the published game.




In particular, the Wak-A-Rat score box is missing the "Hit 20 Win" text at the top; the screenshot of Conroy Bumpus singing in Bumpusville has him (and/or the stuffed animal heads) singing "Aooooooooooo..." in a blue font; and the Mystery Vortex hallway shows Sam's hat leaping off his head in amazement, while the doors at the front of the room are green and white in color (though in the published game those particular two doors seem to be hard-coded to be red and orange for some reason).


I definitely admire the work in making that facsimile box, though! :D

Edited by ATMcashpoint
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1 hour ago, ATMcashpoint said:

Some of the screenshots on the original Sam & Max box are different than in the published game.


Yeah I noticed that too! It's one of the things that make me dread that part of the box because there aren't any good enough scans of the box out there of these so reusing scans is not an option, I'm probably gonna have to recreate those using similar screenshots as base because I want my box to look exactly like that but I also want it to be as HD as I can. It's not impossible though so it's okay. 

Edited by CalisDraws
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Didn’t know they are different from the game, it’s so long since I played it 😀

I just used screenshots from google but you can’t find the exact ones from the box of course. 
I guess the only way would be playing the game and make screenshots yourself, still would be hard to get exact I think. 
It doesn’t really matter to me, I don’t want an exact copy anyway 😀



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If you're interested in trying to re-create the screenshots from the back of the Sam & Max Hit the Road box, the early version of the Wak-A-Rat score box is used in an early WIP pre-release demo (the one with Sam & Max as the LucasArts logo):




The left-hand number is the score and the right-hand number is the time elapsed so far.


There's also an alternate version of the Wak-A-Rat game background without the score box in both the early demo and the published game:




It's the same design in both versions AFAIK. In the published game the regular Wak-A-Rat room is Room 18 and the unused version is Room 19, while in the early demo they're Rooms 14 and 15 respectively.


As for the Mystery Vortex screenshot, you might want to have a look at the various random colors of the two other doors in the Mystery Vortex and try borrowing their palettes for re-coloring the doors visible in the screenshot accordingly. And also looking through the costume files to see if the animation of Sam's hat flying off is used anywhere (IIRC it is but I can't remember where). A good tool for that might be Tomas' SCUMM Costume Viewer.


And for Conroy Bumpus' "Aooooooooooo..." (with 11 Os) you might try using a tool like ScummTR to alter the dialogue text in that scene and manually alter the text color based on the dark blue text color that's probably used elsewhere in the game.


Note that the ellipsis (three dots) in dialog lines is treated as a special symbol in the SCUMM game fonts, so you'd want to see how ScummTR treats that when it dumps the game dialogue into a text file and match that accordingly. (And if you do use ScummTR, make sure to back up your game files first!)

Edited by ATMcashpoint
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(Again) Thank you so much for all of these tools!


I'll have to see if it's worth it to use these in terms of how much longer it would take compared to just remaking them myself by drawing and recoloring over existing screenshots but this is something that future me will have to deal with haha! 

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