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Hidden interactions list


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There are a few hidden interactions in the game (ie. things you can do that have no UI clue/mouseover tip whatsoever), which makes me think there might be even more. I wonder if you guys have found some. Here are a the ones I know of:


  • Mele Island (3): Taking Guybrush on the map where Meathook island, Fetuccini brothers' Circus (clearing) and the House were located in Monkey 1 will trigger Guybrush comments
  • LeShip (1): Wally's shackles on the deck
  • High Street end game (2):
    • Positionning Guybrush behind the photocall stand will add yet another nice photo to your collection.
    • Placing Guybrush at the church entrance and he'll ask Elaine if they could renew their vows and she says "maybe another time".


There has to be more!

Edited by AltS
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Those cheating shackles... yes, having an item uninteractable until you have the correct item hovered over it is cheating, in this series of games! When I heard this was a thing, I spent time in the hold swinging my monocles over the chains hanging there, to no avail. 😛

I do wonder if there are other hidden interactables like this, and if dataminers will find them.

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12 hours ago, BaronGrackle said:

Those cheating shackles... yes, having an item uninteractable until you have the correct item hovered over it is cheating, in this series of games! When I heard this was a thing, I spent time in the hold swinging my monocles over the chains hanging there, to no avail. 😛

I do wonder if there are other hidden interactables like this, and if dataminers will find them.


Totally agree about the shackles! Hidding them from the Tab highlights would have been fair, since it's part of the hint system. But preventing detection on mouse over is cheating as it breaks the UI rules. More surprisingly it seems to encourage the randomly try every item on everything on screen brute force kind of approach to puzzle solving which I thought Ron was considering to be bad design. Anyway deepest respects to whom actually discovered the trick in the 1st place! 🧐


But to be fair maybe the unlabeled spots on Mêlée map, which were hard to miss for anybody who has played MI1, served as an early game warning that there would be more to find than what meets the tooltip!


.And then came the photocall hidden pic to confirm this... boy what exciting times we live in! 😄




Edited by AltS
damn keyboard... didn't finish writing!
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21 minutes ago, AltS said:


Totally agree about the shackles! Hidding them from the Tab highlights would have been fair, since it's part of the hint system. But preventing detection on mouse over is cheating as it breaks the UI rules. More surprisingly it seems to encourage the randomly try every item on everything on screen brute force kind of approach to puzzle solving which I thought Ron was considreing bad design. Deepest respects to whom actually discovered the trick in the 1st place! 🧐




Do we know if it was datamined or an original discovery?

I imagine you do your first playthrough and reach Wally at the end, try your monocles and hear Guybrush say "It's way too late in the game for that", then see what you can discover on a replay? Maybe they noticed that piece of art existed in the left corner of LeShip in Part 2 but not in Part 4?


Who discovered this?

Edited by BaronGrackle
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