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Please anounce if you want to run...


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Posted by Paregon Leon

can someone give me a summary of all who are 'running for Senator?


This is the thread that you declare that you want to run...Leon needs this so hurry up. There is no need to post speeches or argue here. Just anounce that you are running...Remember you need to post here if you are running or Leon won't have you in the polls...



BTW, I'm running Leon :D

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Guest Boba Rhett

I shall be running as well.



btw, YD, How dare you give out giftbaskets! That's mything!


*hands out the biggest bestest giftbaskets ever, complete with kegs and everything*

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

uh huh...and why shall I run? Well because I AM THE GREAT..THE ALMIGHTY....GREAT MILINKO...(no not really..but It's worth a shot)


*remember my fellow voters...vote for the mexican drug hustler!*

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

thats what YOU think!!!


the secret me:


Darth Mikie

Mexican Drug Dealer

The Great Milinko

And a proud member of the NRA!!!!!!

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Guest WC_heavyarms

WEll, what the heck anyone like me enough to vote for me? I'm as good as Augustus !(for you guys who know who that is.) I stand for justice, truth, and...and... Something want to add something?

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