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enough star wars!!!


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am i the only one who agrees that lucas arts should STOP with the star wars s**t and focus on sequels or New Original adventure games? cause Lucas arts made the best games (most of them was tim schaffers who now doesnt work there anymore) the only other adventure game i would look at was leisure suit larry, but that idiot ken williams fired al lowe and the LSL rights are at sierras, and they cancelled larry 8!!!!


i am truly sorry if any star wars fans were offended by this message

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Hows this he's not stabing yoda but it looks pretty cool oh and not all star wars games are bad they just cant compete with a game like MI smile.gif







<img border="0" src="http://www.expressedthoughts.com/murray/guy_Yod.jpg" width="458" height="233"></p>







"Just Don't Mention KFC"
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<img border="0" src="http://www.expressedthoughts.com/murray/guy_Yod.jpg" width="458" height="233"></p>



YODA GO HOME!!!! darth vader leia and luke, go to jerry springer where someone cares!!!

and chewbaca, you have a hairry ASS!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

But Star Wars is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!1111


Okay, a compromise, a Star Wars Adventure Game????? Whihc could have MI references.


Personally, some of the highlights of the game were the little Star Wars gems i.e. X-Wing in swamp (Luke's on Dagobah), the Yoda like monkey (JoJo Jr) and a final pityful cry for "Jar Jar", the last words spoken in the game.


I think there may have been more SW links, but can't remember.


Obviously there were other fabulous points to this game (E.G. Monkey Kombat, The SECRET of MI Cutscene - giant monkey robot (if you don't believe check out cutscene title), and all those little touches that made it so enjoyable.)


Anybody else think it was too short though? I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!



May the Force be with you.

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Guest The Feral Chicken

STAR WARS ADVENTURE GAME? Are you NUTS! We don't want ANY Star Wars! Nobody LIKES Star Wars! For God's (and mine!) sake, just, like, come back to reality? Star Wars is crap, as are many, MANY other sci-fi's. Except for Stargate. That isn't crap, just a bit iffy. OK, I've had my rant, now I expect everyone to have a go at me and start flaming, go ahead, I don't care.


Sorry, but these Trekkies have SERIOUSLY got me p****d off (I added the asterix's) mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif





[This message has been edited by The Feral Chicken (edited January 22, 2001).]

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I agree, Star Wars are ok, star trek the war is good but too geeky, Star gate was great at first, but I hadn't seen it in ages. Anyway, if you hate Cyberlazer or Warpspeed, I found pictures of one them and made alterations!




Monkey Island rules! Anyone denies it are sad loosers! billg2.gif




[This message has been edited by MI uk fan (edited January 22, 2001).]

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Yeah I agree that LA should give the Star Wars games a bit of a rest.

I also agree that Sierra are stupid coz they get rid of the people who made all those good games like larry series and the Space Quest series. I was looking foward to a Space Quest 7 but they got rid of the guy who helped on the previous ones and now they dont give a rats **s to make another one. I hate those companies that dont make games fans want. So I hope Lucas Arts dont give up on making their top games we all love (not Star Wars)

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I agree that LucasArts should consentrate on Epic Adventure Games ( Monkey Island tm ), but Star Wars isn't out of the league! Well, most of the SW games SUCK but without SW I wouldn't have encountered such great games as X-wing, Tie-Fighter, X-wing Alliance etc.


Just stop speaking about SW Ep1! It completely ruined Star Wars... it isn't epic, it's just action.. and I hate action...

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