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See ya in a few days....

Guest DSViper

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Guest Rogue15

I spammed to get looked down upon and feel how viper feels.


It's hard to explain the feeling, kinda like the dark side, once you head down it, it's hard to go back because it's so much fun watching everyone get ticked off.


I stopped spamming because it was making these forums into a mess, and because I am a moderator at roguesquadron.net, and we were having a problem with spamming and flaming, and I couldn't do anything about it, because it wasn't in the forum I moderate, so I had to go to a different website where the moderators hang out, report the spam, get flamed by the members over there...

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Guest DarkTrooper

yeah guyz should be sorry for yourselves, i mean yeah u guyz dont like him but he still is a human being and its notlike he doesnt care

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*suddenly darthfergie falls dead* he apparently drank some punch and then fainted what ever happened here asked rommel

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