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Who know where to download The Curse Of Monkey Island


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while downloading over a gig of info would only take ME an hour or so using neato methods, it is better to go spend 10 bucks and buy the game.


wasez is bad, give lec the money so they can make more games.




STILL the resident punk rocker! now with a new and improved secret formula.

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Piracy is BAD. You shouldn't even ask things like that. Go on and buy it, it won't cost much anymore. If you can't find it from shops, just order it trough net for christ's sakes!


Now I'm truly mad. So mad. I need a banana to calm down.




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yes warez is bad, but guybrush is a pirate so wouldnt he like piracy? smile.gifsmile.gif


go buy it!




STILL the resident punk rocker! now with a new and improved secret formula.

Stop pretending that you don't want me.


[This message has been edited by newfoundgloryboy (edited April 28, 2001).]

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Whenever I visit this forum it surprises me how horrible you all are to each other. I truly don't understand why no-one hasn't banned the half of you guys.

He just asked where he could download MI3, for god's sake!

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...and we just told him that it is


  1. [*]Impractical


[*]Something that won't help to bring about the next game (if he downloads the whole game illegally)[/list=a]


What's more, I've already provided him a link for a download, and it was the SECOND REPLY. What more do you want?




I always like to think that people are smart... and then I take a look and see all these idiots.


[This message has been edited by brief (edited April 30, 2001).]

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Guest grannen

Originally posted by baul:

@ brief, I wasn't talking about you in specific.

Look at MegaMonkey's and kid's replys.


What is wrong?

They gave a perfect answer to someone who we don't want to get an illegal copy of a game!



parrot.gifHuggyn and Kyssin parrot.gifGrannen

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If he doesn't wanna buy it and can't download it off the net (is CMI Abandonware yet? I mean it doesn't worry me, I'm just curious) then perhaps he could ask a friend to borrow it, I mean ask around with friends and relatives, you never know, they might have a copy of it.


I think abandonware is only good if the game isn't made anymore so you can't buy it, I kinda thought that's what the point of it was anyway? Maybe someone can help clear that up for me though?





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CMI is not abandonware, since you can still purchase it from LucasArts' website.


I lent out my copy of CMI to a friend, and she hasn't given it back to me after about a year and a half... So I can't play the game even if I want to...


Actually, I have another copy of the game, but the first CD is cracked (I bought it from an online store, and it came to me that way, so they sent me another copy). I've had to reformat my HD in between the time that I lent the game to my friend and now, so the only thing I saved from CMI were the savegames I had, which means I can't play the game, even though I actually have a working second disc for the game, because I need the first disc to install the game...


Anyway, just thought I'd rant a little bit.




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"The way I understand it, it's mostly a joke down here, too."

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thatss why u are allowed to make backups of games, and im sooo glad u can. i make a copy of the games i buy, keep the original in the box in my closet, and for good reason, my dog EATS cds, he devoured cd 2 of gabrial knight 3, but it being the copy, i was still safe.


see copying software is completely fine if u stick to the terms of the copyright.





~What could this be, too much MTV? Chalk another fad up for its fall into infamy.

What is in a standard if it changes all the time? You’re still having trouble in defining your own kind.-Kling

~Stop pretending that you don't want me.

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Originally posted by newfoundgloryboy:

brief, that was in responce to your thing about the crappy cd 1 of mi3 and how u leant our your good copy.


Oh, I know what you were talking about.. I just don't know what baul was talking about....




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Kid, the icon for your post was the mad, face. You said, "Nowere, just buy it mad.gif "

MegaMonkey has the same icon on the top of his post and said "just order it trough net for christ's sakes!

Now I'm truly mad. So mad."

Manny also used the same mad-icon for his post.


Do you now get my point?

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I apologize, but I just don't like Lucasarts to be pirated. CMI is no way abandonwarez, and not even the first two original ones ( as they can still be bought in the LA Bounty Pack or another Lucasarts Collections, and trough Lucasarts' official site ) - and what do you expect when a post like this is posted?


Silky gloves and beautiful words? How can you express your point if the point is aggressive and truly serves a meaning? Would my opinion be even listed as one if I don't put any power into it? Does one angry face mean so much to you Baul?


There is nothing wrong in fighting against piratism, and it has gotten so far that every time I see a thread about piracy I get mad. In other forums this post would've been closed and deleted long time ago, baul - and I'm not the only one whom has negative feelings towards this thread. I was just brave enough to show them.


I apologize you baul, as I see this thread offended you more than MonkeyFan, who originally writed and posted this thread. But I see no point in you jumping at my back and shouting how rude I was - as it makes you even worse of a case in this thread. Still, as a humble member and a nice boy with some good manners, I apologize you - altho' I never did anything to you.




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