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Message To Natty...

Thomas Fellas

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What are you going on about you gay pile of turd.


Iam stuck on another part of the game?


Sure iam a rookie to games,this is my first graphic adventure.Ive had it for about a week now.


Personally i don't realy like this type of game i only got it for it's great graphics.I hope there are never really much more games like this in future.


Anyway back to natty.I think iam stuck on different parts because you look at old topics you asswhipe.


AND now out of intrest to anyone is this a 4th game of a series or something.Ive notcised that you call it MI4.(i know mi means monkey island)if this is so.what are the old games like?




Thomas Is Here,BUT HIS BAG ISN'T

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Guest The Feral Chicken

You are obviously a really shallow person if your best insult is calling someone 'gay' and you only buy games for their graphics. For God's sake, man, get a life!

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If you hope that there are no more games like this in the future, why the hell are you playing this game now? Why should we even help you? Why are you talking on this board? You are scum, sir, pure monotonous scum that is so unspeakably horrendous, appalling and vile that you must be the spawn of satan. There can be no other way.

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Ok Thomas let me get this straight- I'm a stupid gay dog asswiping turd? smile.gif however do I manage that? I'm gay? Of course I'm gay, I'm happy, I'm a dog? Yes I'm a ***** (only when provoked and you dont want to provoke me) and of course I'm an asswipe- how else do you expect me to clean myself after going to the toilet? as for being a stupid turd? I've seen better insults other than being stupid and being a turd- get back to me when you have something that even resembles an insult


Now- if you're to blind to see the obvious in the fact that in the first 5mins of the game you don't know what to do- I suggest you read the friggen booklett that comes with the game, it has what controls to do and my book even came with a walkthrough for that scene- how old are you? 5?


I've been a rookie too once- (I feel old) but unlike you I love the monkey island games and here you are bagging it just because you don't get it, and now- this is the thanks I get for helping you in previous posts! I feel loved


Maybe I'm being biased coz I've already played the game so I know what to do blah blah blah blah... but you're on here everyday asking a new question- ok nothing wrong with that as such, but seriously, when you get stuck on a particular part of the game (we all get stuck- don't think you're the only one) do you actually try EVERYTHING before coming on here and asking your question, or do you throw in the towel after 5mins and get someone else to do the hard work and tell you what to do? What's the fun in that? that's what adventure games are all about you silly boy- The point of adventure games is what I've just said, you don't play adventure games coz of the graphics, and if you hope that there are no more games like this, then here's a little bit of advice DON'T BUY MONKEY ISLAND 5!!!! Geeeeeez sometimes things just have to be spelt out for people


Now- Thomas, sweety, darling, honey bunch? It's not our fault you don't like Monkey Island- if it's giving you so much pain and grief, maybe you need a holiday? Maybe then you'll find your lost brain, ooooops bag smile.gif (sorry slip of the tounge) and if you can't even figure out the jokes in this post then my my my, you really do need a life and need to grow up


PS- sorry this was such a long post




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hmmm... Thomas, why are you making yourself look stupid?


I mean... is there a point calling natty a gay? how do you know? This is an internet-personality he's showing, and so are you. Maybe if you're the gay here, Thomas, and try to hide it and call others it so to hide from the reality?


This reaction is the most often offended gays do. So shut your mouth before you've talked yourself into a bag.




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I'm not the least bit offended- when he says something that resembles insulting, I'll let you know, but until then I'm gonna keep smiling like I always do smile.gif and I don't get the least bit offended when someone calls me gay- I'm glad to see they notice how happy I am




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Hello Thomas Fellas. I just have to ask you: What can be more stupid than insulting people you dont even know? Thomas Fellas, you are a stupid person. Why writing on a message board about a game you dont like? Why write messages to people you obviously think are idiots? Why ask for solutions for a game you bought only for the graphics, and why even bother to buy it? There are plenty of games with better graphics, and I am sure that you would like something like Tomb Raider (just an example) or whatever better than such a stupid game like this. Why dont you find your bag, and your "life", and get the h*** out of here!

Someone please ban this guy! mad.gif





Guybrush: Do you know anything about lifting curses?

Murray: Oh Yeah, I know a lot about lifting curses.

That is why I am a disembodied talking skull, sitting on top of a pike, in the middle of a swamp.

Guybrush: You seem bitter.

Murray: I'm sorry it's been a rough day.

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Guest nathanism666

frst: don't even think about deleting this message, newfoundgayboy.


thomas fellas, u suck.****.y b such a homo?no one is going 2 think ur good, or clever(in much the same way nfgb thinks he's clever cus he is admin, wen everyone else thinks he's a homo), so stop dissing the game, andgo and find some pmt related forum, cus its obvious ur just sum dumm minger who is ****ed up with her hormones...

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Originally posted by nathanism666:

frst: don't even think about deleting this message, newfoundgayboy.


thomas fellas, u suck.****.y b such a homo?no one is going 2 think ur good, or clever(in much the same way nfgb thinks he's clever cus he is admin, wen everyone else thinks he's a homo), so stop dissing the game, andgo and find some pmt related forum, cus its obvious ur just sum dumm minger who is ****ed up with her hormones...


If you want everyone to hate you, and you probably do, then congrats because everyone prbably does hate you.


You probably don't like EMI because you never talk about (maybe its too hard for you) so go talk to some other ignorant brats and leave us alone




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  • 5 months later...

lol this thread is old smile.gif


I was quite a new and foolish when I replied to this thread; I can clearly see from my way of replying that I truly wasn't as strong in english as I am now wink.gif


Well, anyways, hopefully everybody has gotten my, often, pointless point every time I have tried to show it.


anyways... this thread is funny to read after all these months!




NFGB = Nerd Fuck3r and Gates's B1tch!

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It's okies Mega, sometimes I get a lil losted in your English, well I did at first, but that's ok after spending a few mins reading your posts I finally get what you mean smile.gif Even in those posts you're more intelligent sounding, and you know what you're talking about unlike people such as Thomas Fellas and nathisam666 or whatever his name was and I'm pretty sure they come from English speaking backgrounds tongue.gif Besides, I'm pretty sure most people would agree with me... and if they don't I'm gonna slap em one biggrin.gifwink.gif



nattytwouble.gifBrighty's definate better half! After all, I'm an Australian female, and he's some English snooty nosed male! But I wuv him;)

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you started all of that so don't go on at me.You kept on asking strange questions so i got fed up.I bet if somebody else you liked did that you would jokingly respond but in my case you all have a go at me.



Q!! (click click)


Sex is God


Milk helps stimulate the mind


If a tree falls and nobody is around,does it make a sound?


Drinking is the solution to everything


Happy hunting

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Well, well well. I've gotten already two answers during this weekend. Dinghy Dog's are still gracing the forums by their presences, and Thomas's are still disgracing our forums by their presences.


natty - few minutes reading my posts? That's far more than I'd deserve wink.gif


But I promise that you don't have to ever again spend so much of your precious time reading MY posts...




NFGB = Nerd Fuck3r and Gates's B1tch!

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There's only been one or two posts where I've gotten a bit confused in what he was saying, so even then he;s done really well smile.gif



nattytwouble.gifBrighty's definate better half! After all, I'm an Australian female, and he's some English snooty nosed male! But I wuv him;)

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