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Favourite Movie?


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We might have had this already, somewhere, But times change.


Favourite movie?

mine's Silence of the Lambs, starring anthony hopkins.



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Clerks, MallRats, CKY 2k, any Star Wars



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The Wizard Of Oz

Moulin Rouge


Toy Story/Toy Story2


Sleepy Hollow

StarWars (Empire is my fave out of them)

Indiana Jones Trilogy

Back To The Future Trilogy


Ummmmmm what have I missed? my list is waaaaaay never ending smile.gif



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i cant decide, ive seen so many almost 2000...



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same as everyone..i got tones


Star Wars Trilogy

Indiana Jones Trilogy

Elvis Gratton 2(french movie)

James Bond(about every single one)

Croushing Tiger Hidden Dragon



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Groundhog Day or Ghostbusters.



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If I had to pick only one movie, it would probably be Citizen Kane directed and written by Orson Welles, who also starred in it. But I also really like Lawrence of Arabia directed by David Lean and starring Peter O'Toole, so I guess it'll depend on when you ask me. Now however, it's Welles's classic. It's first on AFI's list, and first on mine.



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I remember in year11 when we did MacBeth in English and we watched Orson Welles version of it, hehehehe, I cracked up at the end when you see MacBeth's head on a pike biggrin.gif You do realize Orson Welles is a pedophile don't you? (I hope I'm thinking of the right guy- hmmmm I apologize if I've gotten the name confused with someone else)


And am I the only person who doesn't desperatly wanna see Lord Of The Rings? Maybe I should read the books tongue.gif I'm still trying to figure out what Elijah Wood is doing in the movie <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm23.gif" border=0> Iiiiiiickies I hate him, it's not normal for a guy to have hair like his, and what's the deal with his nose? I'm sure they could have gotten someone better to play his role, me finks he's pathetic tongue.gif



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Music-wise I love 'Under The Sea' in the little mermaid biggrin.gif oh and the whole soundtrack of Mary Poppins, ohhhhh and The Prince Of Egypt soundtrack (ok that wasn't Disney)



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  • 2 weeks later...

|\/| /| T |> I \/

|~|/-| I |\ I /\

by far the best ever!


Romeo must die

Terminator2 biggrin.gif



I can´t wait for Matrix 2




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[This message has been edited by Jack (edited December 01, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by Jack (edited December 01, 2001).]

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speakin of movies..Harry Potter sucks...im sorry all u loyal Harry Potter fans but this is just not acceptable



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The thing that really bugs me about HP is all the commercion. I mean, Harry Potter should be about books (havent read them), but now it's all about the money WB tries to make with it. No book, no matter how good, should be so merchandized. I mean, look at Discworld: very popular, but do you evr see a whole store full of Discworld merchandise?




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I'm the root of all that's evil yeah

but you can call me cookie.

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I'm not complaining. JK Rowling was a huge Welfare mom. Now she isn't smile.gif Good for her smile.gif



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I saw Harry Potter last night and people were walking out halfway through it was that crap. Even my bf who loved reading the books said it was crap. I gave it a dodgy rating of 3, he gave it a dodgy rating of 1 (he's a lot softer than me)


Things wrong with the movie


*At the start, the fat smelly guy who needs a shower rocks up on a motorbike, why doesn't he ever use it again?!? I reckon it would be cool to ride around in a motorbike like that- then again, it reminded me of ET


*The houses surrounding where Harry lives, did anyone else noticed that all the cars in the street were the exact same make and model only different colours? I'm sorry but is this a British custom to get together with your neighbours or something and discuss what make and model car to have so the whole street looks the same?


*The whole movie, everyone goes on about how good Harry is blah blah blah blah- I'm sorry, but what did he do that was so terrific, apart from winning the game of whatever it's called, and killing the bad guy at the end, poking him pretty much like ET does- whooooooooo, that definatly deserved the 10house points rolleyes.gif Besides, if I was Harry's friends, I'd feel a lil ripped off that he got basically all the credit when he didnt do anything. The girl did most of the work, with the casting of spells and all that, and the boy sacrifised himself when they were playing chess so Harry could Check Mate the king.


*Speaking of the game on the broomsticks, but was it my imagination or did it seem like across the pod race in Phantom Menace and the speeder chase in Return Of The Jedi? That scene was very, very dodgy


*Oh and the bad guy, what a great look that was, having 2heads fused together, did anyone notice that one of his heads looked like a deformed version of ET? (Hmmmmm maybe that explains why he was killed ET style by being poked by Harry)


*And what was the deal with the 3-headed dog's name? Fluffy? Ummmmmmmm ok then, you know I do think a name like Butch or Killer woulda been more appropriate, but oh well (actually I thought Fluffy was kinda cute in all fairness)



Hmmmm I don't think I've missed anymore dodginess. Oh can someone tell me what the 'curse' was? Ohhhhhh I know, the curse was he's a pathetic child who can't do anything except poke some guy and turn him into a crisp- wish I had powers like that frown.gif


I only give Harry Potter 5/10 coz it did have it's good moments, but overall was pretty crap. I guess that explains why people of the earlier sessions who were coming out were saying it's crap and dodgy, so everyone went to see The Others with Nicole Kidman



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OK, here goes with explaining some of the stuff Natty brought up.


The motorbike is not used again cos Hagrid borrowed it off Sirius Black. Just after Harry was delivered Sirius Black is put in Azkaban. (filmgoers have not met Sirius Black yet. He doesn't appear till book 3. Azkaban is wizard prison).


Cars: thats supposed to be some ironic joke. It's all about the Dursleys wanting to look good with their neighbours and the whole "keeping up with the Joneses" thing. I don't know whether this is a british thing or not.


Fluffy: Hagrid is well known for his affection for dangerous animals. He doesn't really see them as that bad and has a soft spot for them, hence the soppy name Fluffy.


What curse did you mean Natty. The one that gets rid of Quirrel/Voldemort is cos of the fact that Harry's mum died to save him, this left a special love protection in Harry, (I know I've explained it really badly) and as Voldemort is so evil he can't defeat the love thing that's in Harry so when Harry touches him it burns him.


The other curse you might be talking about is the Avada Kedavra curse. This is one of the three forbidden curses as the are dark arts. This is the curse that Voldemort tried to put on Harry. This curse is unblockable and always kills those who it is placed on. Only one person ever survived and that was Harry. For some reason the curse bounced off Harry and reflected on Voldemort, hence his disappearance ages ago. (Harry was a baby when this happened)

Harry is so famous and everyone thinks he is so great cos he is the only one to survive that curse and he finished off Voldemort while he was a baby. This was seen as remarkable cos Voldemort terrorised and tortured people for years and nobody was powerful enough to do anything, until this little baby does it without even trying.


I actually enjoyed the film, but I perhaps understood it better cos I have read all four books and I am familiar with other events going on that didn't make it into the film. I didn't see anyone leaving either, everyone seemed to like it, and most people I've spoke to like it, (OK most of them were University students, and we all know what Uni students are like) but seriously Uni students are intelligent people. then again everyones entitled to their opinion, and we are not all going to like the same thing, but me I can't wait for the next book to come out. (still prefer books to film versions).


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Originally posted by HelenW:

Cars: thats supposed to be some ironic joke. It's all about the Dursleys wanting to look good with their neighbours and the whole "keeping up with the Joneses" thing. I don't know whether this is a british thing or not.


Do you realise that now Brighty isn't here we have no-one to act British! :shock: :horror: Who will do the decent thing ans start acting British?





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cars and motorbikes in Harry Potter??


i dont know much about Harry Potter, but isnt the story taking place in medieval ages or something?



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No. I mean Harry's curse, which is why freaky man with the ET head gave to him after he killed his parents. Hey that's not a real curse, I wish I had a curse like that so I could burn people to a crisp when I touch them. Especially people I don't like.


But I still think it was unfair on Harry's friends coz they basically did all the work and everything, and Harry just rocks up at the end and kills the bad guy. I'd be slightly annoyed if I was them.


Anyways, we're all different smile.gif It kinda explains it a lil better- still... I think if they had explained some of that stuff, people would have been able to understand it (and there were definatly a lotta people who haven't read the book)



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