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JKII Swimming


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Since the title of the topic is JK2 swimming. Here's my 2 cents on the swimming annimation. I really wished the cloaths and hair Kyle has react TO THE WATER!


If the water is green. Give him a greenish tone that would drip away. Give him some footprints (these were in JK). Make his lightsabre shortage if he takes it out underwater.


In other words, I want it realistic. I dont know about you, but when I play Mario or any other game where I get to swim it bothers that he seems to be unaffected and dry.

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I agree that the animation for swimming should be good. I'm currently playing Rune from the start (since my system crash...arrgghh!) and I must say the underwater areas are the best I've seen in an FPS/TPS. The swimming animation of your character is very good, with some variation.


There's a nice big, fast fish swimming around trying to bite you in half, too, which means you have to move around to avoid it.


I was thoroughly unimpressed by the water enemies in JK. The Water Cycs just sat there and were really easy to dispose of from a distance. The Drugon's were extremely slow, and it was too easy to get away from them.


I'd like to see some much better watery foes to deal with in JK2.

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i agree..... and ive always found amusing that LEC never fixed the bug in jk where you hold down a thermal detonator underwater, ready to fire, then jump out of the water :) you walk along the ground on a slant like a demented person and its rather amusing....


dont know what im talking about? go try it

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Guest Krayt Tion

Yes, let's get some decent swimming animations. I'm not exactly asking Kyle to do the Backstroke here but even some animations of the Tomb Raider variety would be better then what we had for JK.


I'm not sure having Kyle's hair react to the water via movement is going to be very feasible for JKO, same with his clothes. I Can't remember if Lara's ponytail moved around underwater in some of the later Tomb Raider games but shorter hair is a different story.


Skins that reflect on the enivornment should be plenty feasible, though. Water-soaked clothes should be darker shades until they have time to dry at which point the skin could change back over to a lighter shade. Or something.

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Originally posted by Krayt Tion:

<STRONG>Skins that reflect on the enivornment should be plenty feasible, though. Water-soaked clothes should be darker shades until they have time to dry at which point the skin could change back over to a lighter shade. Or something.</STRONG>


Procedural texture effects on character models is part of GHOUL 2.

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Guest Krayt Tion

I imagined so, with Blood I take it being the most common type of Procedural Texture Effect, although I have learned a new phrase today. :D Since we won't be seeing loads of blood if any they might as well still put it to good use. Water would be good... but when Kyle spills the Ewok Soup, I'd better see the stains.

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If there is going to be swimming in water set in a cold environment, then I'd also like to see some minor health damage due to the cold - unless Kyle happens to have a thermal scuba outfit lying around. ;)


And how about an underwater enemy that emits an electric shock, similar to the jellyfish in Rune?


And I know I'm asking a lot here - but how about some little fish or something? I mean, all of the water levels in JK were totally devoid of life except for the two creatures I mentioned.


Rune's waterways are teeming with incidental lifeforms, which adds to the underwater atmosphere...guess that game has spoiled me a bit. ;)


Just a thought.

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Well, not exactly, Krayt. You don't often see blood actually on the character model itself. You just see it go flying in all directions.


A procedural texture effect would be something like a bullet hole, placed at a precise location on the character skin dependant on where the bullet had hit. I would have thought it would be fairly easy to do a similar thing with water effects.

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Guest Krayt Tion

You do often see it on characters, as what people typically call "damage skins." When they are hit in the torso for example if they don't die there will be a splattering of blood there. Blood in a precise location reflective of the area of the hit and the damage taken. That doesn't mean you can't see blood flying as well.

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Yes, blood can be a procedural effect, but when I wrote that post, I couldn't think off the top of my head of any games which had locational blood effects which actually stayed there. You know, without just fading after a few seconds or something.


Did the original Soldier of Fortune have this feature? I can't remember... it's too long since I played it. Even Quake III doesn't have blood effects on characters, does it?

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Guest Krayt Tion

I shouldn't have said it is common to find precision damage blood spots. What I meant was X amount of Damage is done bloody skin X is displayed, that is a damage skin. I mixed it up with locational damage indicators at the same time.


Quake 3 doesn't have damage skins that stayed but Quake II did, go figure. SoF definitely had damage skins and they might have even been more precise in nature, that I don't recall.


edit: Rainbow 6 and Rogue Spear come to mind as well...


[ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: Krayt Tion ]

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I hope the AI can actually swim, it was pretty amusing/dissapointing to see AI enemies in jk sit there splashing like little kids that dont know how to swim, waiting to be shot. Heh by what they've said, im expecting to see the enemie use the water as a strategy, maybe to get away unseen, then come back later in the level, or at least be able to pull himself outta the water and continue to fight. ;)

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Hmmm... I haven't played either Rainbow 6 or Rogue Spear, and it's ages since I played either Quake II or Soldier of Fortune. That's probably why nothing came to mind. Interesting that support for damage skins was dropped from the Quake III engine though. Unless the option to turn them on is hidden in a command line somewhere...

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Originally posted by Tap[RR]:

<STRONG>I hope the AI can actually swim, it was pretty amusing/dissapointing to see AI enemies in jk sit there splashing like little kids that dont know how to swim, waiting to be shot. Heh by what they've said, im expecting to see the enemie use the water as a strategy, maybe to get away unseen, then come back later in the level, or at least be able to pull himself outta the water and continue to fight. ;)</STRONG>


That's a very good point there. I too hope the enemy AI is good enough to cope with water, and strategies using water.


I wonder if there will be a Mon Calamari in there somewhere - it might be interesting chasing a Mon Cal through a watery level - particularly if you are led into some under water traps. ;)


I just hope they add some more under water detail, limit the range of under water vision etc.


What I'd really like to see, though, is a timed level similar to the Falling Ship in JK, but with you trapped in a sinking vessel, or perhaps an underwater installation that has sprung a leak. The idea is to find a way out before you drown. ;)

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Guest Kurgan

Since this poster's initial topic was posted in three forums, let me repeat my answer from the strategy forum:


There are no nasty creatures in the MP levels (including the CTF maps) if you are talking about the LEC maps (as far as user created maps, I've seen some that throw in some creatures sometimes).

Basically the best way to take out the nasties is to entice them to the surface and then take them out. Blasters work best, and if you are underwater and see one, flee, but shoot with your bryar or other blaster and you will take them out in a few shots (avoid wasting explosives, and getting close with the saber is generally too dangerous).


In MotS when you are relieved of the use of your guns/bombs, your best bet is to use saber throw or your "dark side" powers (destruction, lightning, etc). But again, take them out on the surface if you can.


They aren't that big a threat, but the Dianogas in MotS can be a real pain, best to avoid falling into water you know is infested with them (hint, use force seeing + the map to scan for life forms). ; )


Next time, just post it in the proper forum and leave it at that. People will respond if they want to.



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I kinda hope they bring that "blurry" underwater effect back from the original Quake and to some extend Jedi Knight. I though it looked cool and just plain realistic. I know a Jedi might have better vision in the water than, say, you or me, but it doesn't have to be down right blurry. :D Play Quake or Quake II, get underwanter, and you'll see what I mean. Jedi Knight sorta hard this effect, but it was mostly just the stretching of the screen that was hardly noticable unless you weren't moving.

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