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Kyle isn't a jedi master.


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Nope, he's a Jedi Lord! :D


I read somewhere in an thread called something like "kyle vs luke", and some people were saying that Klye isn't a Jedi Master. I was playing Jedi Knight again and I noticed that the jedi ranking thingy said that he was a Jedi Lord in the last level where you fight Jerec.

In a couple levels before it said he was a Jedi Master though.

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Originally posted by Gabrobot:

<STRONG>I was playing Jedi Knight again and I noticed that the jedi ranking thingy said that he was a Jedi Lord in the last level where you fight Jerec.

In a couple levels before it said he was a Jedi Master though.</STRONG>


Your ranking in JK depends entirely on how you play the game. It's possible to be a Jedi Lord quite a bit earlier, but it's also possible to complete the game without even becoming a Jedi Lord at all (I'm pretty sure).


It depends on stuff like weapons accuracy and number of secrets found each level as to how many stars you get and therefore what your rank is.

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Hmmm, that's interesting I never really looked at the ranking of him in detail before, you're probably right.

It's probably the number of secrets you find that depends on how soon he's ranked higher.


Maybe the entire time in which the game took place was a lot longer then people thought, and it was really a lot longer or something, and that's why he could be a jedi lord.


Or maybe the power of the valley inhanced his jedi powers, heh I don't know.


[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: Gabrobot ]


[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: Gabrobot ]

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They probably didnt think much about It, and just gave the ranks the first name that came to their minds

Probably GL never checked that, and he wouldnt agree with it, as Jedi Lords are never mentioned as a ranking higher than Knight and Master

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umm, the Jedi Academy Trilogy, by Kevin J Anderson... hes an ok author, no Zahn though... and if i remimber Luke said Kyp had the most potential (remimber potential from that earlier kyle/luke discussion) that Luke had ever tested, Luke never tested himself, or Sir Vader, so how can you tell if Kyp was stronger, Kyp wasnt concieved by metichlorians...

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yeah, i read that tril

and thats why i didnt think so...yeah...im pretty sure the skywalker lineage is the longest...err *strongest* line of jedi there ever was/will be, that is to say, unless they for some reason introduce a better/newer one

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I might point out that JK's ranking system is suspect simply because there is no "Knight" rank in that game at all. :)


Personally, I always treated JK's level 7 --originally "Master"-- as Knight and level 8 as Master... but hey, that's just me.

If I recall correctly a couple mods actually changed it to read thusly, too.

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Not last I checked, no. I came equipped with no Y chromosome and nothing seems to be changing in that regard... :)


No, I am not "available". No, I don't want to see your lightsaber. No, I do not resemble Princess Leia (nor will I model her early ROTJ attire). No, I am not susceptible to Jedi mind tricks. No, I don't want to learn about any Wookiee mating rituals... **continues speech at some length** :D

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