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Bullet Time


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its just an idea

but i think that Jedi Outcast should contain some sort of bullet time system (from the awesome game 'Max Payne'). This would be fricking sweat!!

*** if you dont know what bullet time is, it is an option in Max Payne, where you can slow time down, and gives the gameplay a 'matrix' effect.... very cool***

considering that Jedi's have great reflexes, it would fit in exellently!! That way you could react quicker, and you could cut those Stormies up in slow motion.... mmmm cool


i guess it would be copying Max Payne, but bullet time is what made that game sweet


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This option was originally going to be included in Episode I: Obi-Wan before it went to the Dark Side (aka the XBox). I don't know, it might even still be in there...


Anyway, it was going to basically be a reworking of Force Speed from JK, but instead of speeding you up, it would simply slow everyone else down. I think the plan is for Force Speed in JK II to work like that in the original JK. Personally I prefer this system, as the "bullet time" option would be pretty difficult (probably impossible) to implement in multiplayer.

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fair enough

but there are ways around the multiplayer problem.... just dont enable it in multiplayer.

Anyway, in real life it would only work against non-jedi's (storm troopers, and all those other dumb drones), but in multiplayer, you are playing agaisnt other JEDI, who are equally as fast as you.

So i think that the abiltiy to slow down the game play could be perfectly implemented into SINGLEPLAYER. And when you verse another jedi in singleplayer, than it can revert to a multiplayer style compat (that is, without the bullet time) or your surroundings move in slow motion, but you and the jedi you are versing move at normal speed.


... Phew, im glad i got all that out!! :rolleyes:

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"fair enough

but there are ways around the multiplayer problem.... just dont enable it in multiplayer. "


. . .


Imho bullet times st00pid. its not possible mp. unless everyone gets it, which means it cant be a force power. and in sp you dont really need much help owning ai. it dulls peopls reactions where speed jk style actually makes peoples reaction times and thinking times speed up accordingly. which imitates the effect of slowing down time. when I play jk every 30s gap between to spawn surges seems to me like 2 - 3minutes.

its the phenomina like flies, which also percieve time as slower due to the fact they always live at higher speeds..

slowing it down is fun for like 30s then gets just annoying, imho.

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Yeah ed, I think I brought up the obi-wan "force speed" thing up in a recent post (not meaning to steal you thunder). It would have been really exciting had it not already been does by Max. Even way back when it first was announced I always wondered how it would be done in MP.

Bee, are you talking about it for MP, because in SP I thought it was quite fun. If you are just talking about MP then I agree with you though.

I believe its just better to stay with speeding up and let people become accustomed with the speed. Though force speed should still be limited in JK2.

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both really.

sp its a pointless gimmick imho. and an effect that can be achieved easily anyway.. through console commands, so its not like anything new..

in MP its impossible to be a force power, and useless as is.


I would prefer speed to be a boost type thing then a perma on thing.

But jedi should be a bit nippier normally as well.

although jks gameplay with it is fun.. its not really starwarsy

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Originally posted by Denise:

<STRONG>Personally I think it's a shamelessly tacky gimmick</STRONG>


No argument from me there. I should also add that we have bloody Keanu Reeves and The Matrix to thank for this one. It seems to be the "in-thing" right now for both games and films to copy The Matrix.


Edit: Bugger. Didn't see that Krayt had got in there and had a dig at The Matrix already. Oh well. Bloody Keanu, grumble, grumble...


[ September 01, 2001: Message edited by: ed_silvergun ]

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Won't be happening. If bullet time turned out to be anything like Max Payne, it would be the focus of the game. Since it cannot be implemented in MP in any way, shape, or form, you would be changing the game completely, which is pretty stupid to do.


I really liked Max Payne for its bullet time system, as it really made the game. I'll be pissed if it is in every new shooter now.

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Well imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.. it's always easier to try to imitate success than create it. ; )


Anyhow, yeah it's being used in movies a lot, but how about in games? I can't say I've seen many games that use it besides Obi-Wan and Max Payne.


Games often borrow from movies (especially action and sci fi) for inspiration, which I think is fine (besides its usually cheaper than getting the official liscense). It's a way of making an interactive fantasy for fans of that kind of thing. But I agree that I think the bullet time thing is no biggie...



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it was just an idea

and i bet if they implemented it into the game you bloody damn well would use it!!!

there's no need to be so critical all the time about every topic

i think it would be great for atleast singleplayer. And i think it would be great if they had an OPTION (meaning you don't have to use it if you DON"T WANT TO!!!!) to enable it or not.

i reckon it would be heaps cool for everything to slow down when you enable force speed, rather than you just go really really fast (so fast that you bloody run into walls!)


Go ahead..... flame me :rolleyes:

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of course requiem had bullet time in it way before max payne. and before the matrix too. Just want to give credit where it is due... ;)


(though of course they stole the idea from John Woo... as did the matrix.. it just computerised it a bit. )


played the 1st episode of max payne in a cyber cafe in sydney... pretty cool... but it was getting a bit boring by the end.. it was just a case of doing a bullet time move around every corner... looked great..but it distanced you from the action imho.



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