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Solution to the rail guns power


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Having seen all the postings about the Light Sabre and how it should be the best weapon, and everyone saying it is not because the rail gun cannot be deflected, I have come up with an interesting solution.

The solution lies in Deus Ex, as one of your augs destructs missiles before they hit. I suggest a force power that stops missiles, as they are solid objects. You could activate it for a certain amount of time. Maybe even sending the missiles back, a sort of extension on force push. This could have already been suggested, because I have not read all the postings as there are so many.

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Sure, some kind of Force power could be used to push the projectile out of the way. One of the first suggestions made.


But that wouldn't make the light saber any better. Especially if anyone could push an incoming projectile, no matter which weapon they were using at the time. You'd have rail gunners pushing each other's rails out of the way. That would be kind of fun actually.


Although if that deflecting force power were usable only with the the lightsaber, then sure it would help boost the saber's usefulness.


Although there's really no big deal in just allowing the saber to chop a rail in mid flight. Either completely neutralizing it, or issuing only slight splash. I'd guess that a gunner worth his salt could easily splash an enemy saberist most of the time, though, so direct heavy gun blocking wouldn't even boost saber usefullness all that much.

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It's more 'realistic' to use telekenesis to push an incoming rocket out of the way than to slice it with a laser sword? ;)


Having a force that redirects incoming heavy weapons if you happen to be using the lightsaber seems bit too narrow for a useful game force power. It's of no benefit to gunners at all. Does that seem balanced?


And if you give that power to gunners as well, you've just given the advantage back to the gunner.


'Force push projectile' seems redundant if you could accomplish something similar by just having the lightsaber automatically block heavy weapons fire.

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Imho using the force to move stuff is more realistic (Well filmistic) then surviving a thermal det or rail round exploding under a meter away from your head...


and being of the AvP styled class based DM camp a force power works fine inside that framwork.


in a jk styled DM I don't think the sabre can be balanced with other guns, unless all the guns are blasters, unless you do something silly like being able to blow up rail dets in midair in relative safty.

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The ultimate solution would simply be to ditch the rail detonator in favour of something else. I never really thought the rail detonator fit very well into the Star Wars universe anyway. The only time I used it was in JK SP to destroy the AT-ST's.


I preferred the conky for clearing rooms. :D

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rails are great.

cargo soldiers is lots of fun.

rails are the bestest way to kill annoying little protection users.

and they make a nice change in jk dm general..

I wouldnt have racked so many kills v decent lighties.. I usually get "WTF" off puller lighties, who wont let me keep a conky when they get poped by a rapid grip + rail. its a lot safer then a sabre. its quite funny.. course the best lighties take everything save the sabre and fists, I dunno why they wont take them :)

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