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What About The Navys???


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Guest Tie Guy

Yes, this is what happens when you give people power, they exploit it.


Anyways, i never really like the navy, but as far as the units go, they look pretty cool. I wonder how big of an aspect it will be in the game.

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Guest Tie Guy

Ok, heres how you do it, i think....


http://adressofpic [/img}<---- put a ] here instead


Try that and it should work. And, if you would be so kind, please post you screens that you got off of PC Gamer.

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Guest Tie Guy

those are some nice red X's you've got there. Are they supposed to be X-wings or something, coz they need also of work. :D


Seriously though, where'd you link these over from, coz they might not allow leeching.

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon


THE Battle of Hoth my friends!!!!!!!!!

HEHE.. you can't show something that is on your comp. heehehe

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darthfergie, don't say "anyways"! I just had a nice long talk about it with Tie! The correct way to say it is anyway.

Oh, no there goes a blue bunny.... ;)

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You really like that image option, don't you fergie ? :D

Why not simply link to the image in the screenshot-gallery of galacticbattles.com ? Saves you time, downloads these pages faster and still has the images just one click away..


So far i've mostly seen ships from the Gungan, TF and Imperial Navy.. Naboo ships haven't been seen at all yet.. Anyone got any ideas about those ?

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hey leon. you're still up? geezzz....


anyhow, no i don't have an idea how the naboo royal navy is going to look like. i'm still waiting for my star wars guide to vessels and vehicles that i won on ebay and even then, i'm not sure if they'll have pics of naboo navy vessels in there.

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Actually, I just got up again.. :D


Some of the Trade Federation ships look a bit weird to me. There's these huge rectangular ships in a small PC Gamer shot, and some round ships with what looks like a periscope / cannon on top..


Do you people think that all sea-units will be able to spot the underwater structures of the Gungans ?

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Guest jigga

I dont really like the water units. If they took them out I would not mind. Then make more speciaized planes, like air to air fighters, bombers and spy planes that decloak cloaked units

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Guest Tie Guy

I doubt it, that would seem like an unfair advantage for them. Whereas the Empire doesn't have any hover tanks, except maybe a speeder bike...


Anyway, they couldn't not include sea units, it jsut wouldn't be a RTS without em, and a huge element of the game would be wiped out. I don't use sea units that much either, but you have to include them into the game anyway. I also don't like the air as much, but how could you not have them?

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