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Gamespots second preview finally out.


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You know I'm reading the preview as of this moment. I just wanted to Let people know. There are alot of people waiting for this preview to come out. Yeah the Nabo look vary strong wth air. I have a feeling many civs who play this against this civ will go heavy on anti-air. Can't wait till the game is out.

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Guest ReaperFett

The thought of a whole Squadron of N-1s tearing up a base, as Royal Guard and Jedi skirmish with their ground troops is a great thought indeed :)



Now, hope the toybox has Ric Olie :)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Sweet! Look at those screens of the trade fed! Muahahhahah. Im going to destroy you all with an army of 150 droikeads. !:D

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Guest ReaperFett

And as you appear, I sound the call, and all ground troops jump into aerial transports, and watch as the N-1s and bombers start picking you off, as my base sits happily behind walls :)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Fine then Ill just use the Empire to storm you with 50 At-Ats and 25 At-Sts accompanyed by air strikes and Anti air troopers. Take that!

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

Sweet!!!! those screenshots look pretty good...i feel sorry for the trade federation (even though the pics look cool). I think that a few well places royal guards and some jedi will woop the poor trade feds. (not to mention the naboo fighters!)

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Guest Maul403

yup...trade fed and naboo would be great on a team...what one lacks the other makes up for...but why doesnt the trade fed have repeater troops?

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Guest PhantomMenace

Yes they did make the Naboo a worthwhile civ after all. I dont think the gig that the Trade Fed gets in harvesting carbon is gonna be too big an issue...i mean there are 2 or 3 upgrades for your carbon drill right. The Trade Fed is lookin awful scary. I was kinda disappointed with the review though...those guys really didnt tell us much we couldn't gather for ourselves by lookin at the tech tree...nice screens though!

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