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A little too quiet...


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Since Tuesday, I really haven't felt in the mood for talking about any games. I don't know whether it's shock, anger or the fact that I'm not very well at the moment, but I can't seem to focus much on anything except this vast human tragedy and the inevitable consequences. :(


I just need a little more time, I guess.

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i was on the zone today, and i saw some ******* saying, and i quote.....


"hey duz any1 know wher i can get a jk level wher theres like 2 planes crashing into the twin towers..... thatd be cool/ id love to see them crash over and over again. itd be an awesome level to play on, poeple dieing"



needless to say, i and many others who witnessed this ripped into this guy. we asked why he'd want to play that level. he said he thought it was funny. we asked if he had something against americans or people in general. he said no, he was from california, and he just thought it was really funny.


its these kind of people who make me want to scream and yell and tear out my hair sometimes. heartless *******s like that guy dont deserve to live.

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Unfortunately there are many sick people in the world, both those who commit or support atrocities, and those who laugh at them.


The laughing usually stops, however, when such atrocities strike closer to home.


I think the other problem with this particular tragedy is the way we perceive things we see on television. I don't know how many people I have heard say that they thought what they were seeing was a hollywood movie. If it had been a movie - how many of those people would have just sat down and watched it, maybe thinking 'Wow, what great effects. I didn't know an action movie was on!' etc.


No doubt this is the mentality of the person in question. Perhaps they cannot make the link between an image on TV, and the loss of real human life. The tragedy is safe and secure in it's own little box, and cannot reach out to them.


Unfortunately, they may not have that luxury for very long. Many more people will no doubt lose their lives before this is over - and it will affect an even greater proportion of the populations of the US and it's allies.

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I heard it in lunch and we all passed it off as a rumor. Then we got into psychology and we were just satring at the tv with our mouths open.


Anyway, this is the first time I've gone into the Valley since 9/11. Time to get back to life and doing things normally.


On a brighter note, the new PCG has shipped, so we may be getting some news soon.

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Seriously, that is disgusting. Whoever said that is a somplete ****head with a sick mind. I have qiuite a few freinds who are directly affected by the terrorism, and comments like that just make it hurt more.


(quote G. W. Bush)


You can hear me, the world can hear us, and the people who brought these buildings down will hear from us all very soon



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Guest Krayt Tion

I made some comments probably relevant to this thead here that I would read if you have the time.


I regretfully agree that many more people will lose their lives in this war on terrorism. I cannot even begin to stick a time estimate on this war, I'm not sure it is even possible. That being said, I'll be damned if I'm going to live a long portion of my life in a deep state of sorrow, which has been the prevailing emotion within myself that has prevented me from doing the things I normally enjoy. I by no means expect to return completely to my previous state, as my life has been and is being dramatically changed. I expect some closure on this and there are things which could eventually satisfy that objective, but only partially. I'm going to have to balance the things I enjoy with the time I need to properly reflect on tragic events that will undoubtly in my mind continue to unfold in the coming years. I think people that are expecting the magic Okay We're Safe Now wand to be waved, and cannot come to enjoy their lives at all until it is, are in for a more painful set of years to come. In the end we all are, but some more than others.


For anyone that thinks this is a criticism of the pace at which people are returning to regular life patterns, it isn't. The only reaction critism I have is for those for which Ignorance is Bliss, and those who have discriminated against or even been violent towards those of Middle-Eastern and/or Islamic background.

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