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Capture the Flag


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The game is of course still in the making, and probably far from complete, but I'm hoping that Raven/LEC will soon announce that Jedi Outcast will include CTF. There have been rumors floating around for awhile about their possibly being an adaptation of CTF that will be more SW-like, but they are just that...rumors.


I'm sure that between the two(Raven & LEC), they must realize the importance of having CTF included in this game. I wasn't at all impressed with the mediocre attempt by Raven at EF CTF, but I'm sure they've learned a thing or two since then and am hopeful that they will once again attempt to do CTF.


Jedi Knight, even to this day offers some unique elements in CTF, that other games have yet to capatalize on, or have attempted to but still haven't done as well as LEC. Some of those unique elements are as follows:


  • Forcefields
    Key-Specific Doors
    Unique Flags
    Secret Areas
    Extreme Camping Spots


These are just a few of the things that make JK CTF so great and I would hope that Raven/LEC would keep this in mind when doing CTF, if they are to do it at all. Sure, they could just let the editing community create CTF on their own, but very few people have been able to capture that JK CTF feel when creating a JK CTF map.


I would love to hear Raven comment on the JK CTF level - The Challenge At Nar Shaddaa. I know you guys are busy, but I think CTF is about as important as it gets when discussing a game in development. How great it would be to just know that Raven appreciates a level like the above, as much as the hardcore CTF community, who spend hundreds and hundreds of hours playing it.

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Thanks for the information, haven't been able to keep up with the news on JK lately, but am greatfull that Raven/LEC will be including CTF. Just hope that it will be more than just the DM-style CTF that we see in other games of today.

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  • 1 month later...

Although he is quite lame on some occassions, I must agree with Reactor, JK CTF is totally unique and fun. It's the best Multiplayer mode I've ever played for any game, and despite the fact that JK CTF at the moment is falling into lameness and becoming less and less enjoyed or interested in, I still believe that it is without a doubt the best. The current decline of JK CTF is simply due to the fact that those who began it have moved on to new games and those that are left are the immature lamers who whine and call names if they dont win. They refuse to teach new ppl how to play and instead simply say "go away newbie" and stuff of the like. THAT is the reson for teh decline of JK CTF, not because it is no good. I personally doubt I would be interested in JK2 at all if it doesn't have osme sort of CTF, preferably something as similar to current JK CTF as possible. As Reactor suggested, I've heard some of teh developers read these boards on occassion, well look at The Challenge at Nar Shadaa. While not my favorite of the JK CTF maps, it is near perfection and puts all the unique aspects of JK CTF that Reactor listed into use wonderfully. JK2 without this style of play is just another Q3/UT clone as far as I and I'm sure many other ppl are concerned.


[ September 26, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Guest Krayt Tion
JK2 without this style of play is just another Q3/UT clone as far as I and I'm sure many other ppl are concerned.


I disagree, Raven has the chance to breakout from the pack with any number of new or fresh team-based gameplay modes to create or use for JO other than CTF. CTF is hardly the last bastion of hope for JO multiplayer, in my opinion.


For all that are reading, be sure not to miss this thread to get more insights on CTF from the forum regulars here.

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I do admit that if you take any "worn out" game play mode from another game, and toss it into JK2, it still may have some life left, since sabers and force spice up a normal deathmatch. But still, I think my previous comments stand. I want to see some serious gameplay options, not just the stuff that came with Quake3 or some other run 'n' gun game.



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Krayt Tion:


If the inclusion of fresh, fun team-based multiplayer modes (assault, escort, non-flag retrieval, etc) is the "death of JO" than I'd rather see it die than ever become your love-child.


Look at the popularity of CTF in most games. There is obviously a demand for CTF and I don't think that Raven/LEC should ignore this demand just because a few people on this forum don't recognize the difference between CTF in general and JK CTF.


What we are talking about here is nothing more than some decent believability and immersiveness in multiplayer which supports the fun Star Wars experience.


Even the hardcore players would agree with you there. We all want to be immersed in a believable SW universe, but CTF can offer that and JK CTF did offer that.


Sure, it is plausible that you are running around playing some intergalactic SW capture the flag competition game in CTF. However, when you are left to imagine for yourself just what the heck you are doing in that mode of play, that is weak.


I know it may be hard for some people to believe, but there are actually competitive players who compete in tournaments and ladders, constantly. Having an intergalactic CTF competition is just as realistic towards the SW universe as having a Swoop or Pod Race. I don't know anyone that just stopped in the middle of Episode 1 Racer and said,"Damn, what the heck am I doing in this mode of play?" The answer would be obvious. They are enjoying a mode of play that is both fun and immersive.


You're right, JK CTF isn't like the CTF of many other games; it has the enormous strength of the one of the most popular science fiction sagas in the world to draw on, but wastes it.


JK CTF had the SW storyline as an advantage, but wasn't much better because of it. People like JK CTF because of it's uniqueness and extreme gameplay.


It is not one at the expense of the other as you seem to accuse us of implying, but rather the perfect synthesis of both that we seek. This combination is why many people, more than than just a few thousand, picked up Jedi Knight to begin with. The good news is, it can be further improved.


I never accused anyone of anything. We are seeking the same thing here, I just disagree with your opinion on what is a realistic plot. Of course it could be further improved. There is nothing that can't be improved, but just because you didn't like JK CTF and didn't believe that it was immersive enough for you, doesn't mean that others thought the same. There is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion about CTF, but actually asking for Raven to exclude it, disrespects the hundreds of people who are looking forward to it. Why not have your modes and let us have ours? We won't exclude your role-playing if you don't exclude our hardcore, fast-paced gameplay.



There are ways you can you can partake in similar defend/retrieve gameplay elements while better capturing the Star Wars feel and experience, aside from just running after flags. That is what people are mainly saying.


Of course, like I said above, there is always room for improvement, but totally marking out CTF isn't a viable option. If you would bother to play JK CTF(extensively) you would realize that you do far more than "running after flags." If you actually think that JK CTF can be summed up with a phrase like that, it's obvious that you didn't comprehend how complex it really was. If you did even bother to look at The Challenge At Nar Shaddaa AND Team-Fusion CTF, you probably didn't understand how skilled players actually play the game. I urge you to sit down with an NDS or TF and and watch JK CTF in action. Until you do, your opinion of JK CTF is based on an incomplete analysis.


I urge Raven to look beyond the hackneyed CTF theme and give us something that smacks more heavily of Star Wars fun. Not just through the weapons we use during the game but something more adherent in the game play itself.


Again, actually try what I suggested above. Until you do, your opinion of JK CTF is based on an incomplete analysis.


I disagree, Raven has the chance to breakout from the pack with any number of new or fresh team-based gameplay modes to create or use for JO other than CTF.


No one is saying that they don't. What we ARE saying, is that CTF should be included, along with alot of other team-based gameplay modes.


CTF is hardly the last bastion of hope for JO multiplayer, in my opinion.


Agreed. What you're missing is that there is a huge number of people that want CTF and alot of those would like to see it enclude the best aspects of JK CTF. No one is asking for a JK CTF clone, we are asking for the best elements of JK CTF to be included.


Darth Lunatic:


CTF is.....ummm...well i suppose it can be fun. But I would rather a better goal in a multiplayer game.


I don't agree that there is a better goal, although I'm open to the possibility. I do agree that this game should reach out to as many people as possible. It's all about options, not taking away something just because people misunderstand it.




I want to see some serious gameplay options, not just the stuff that came with Quake3 or some other run 'n' gun game.


Agreed. Options is one of the elements that increase the enjoyment of a game. I'm mainly looking forward to:


[*]Demo Recording

[*]Chase Cam - Multiple Views

[*]Voting - Setting Changes(maps/mods etc)


I'm not trying to push CTF on anyone, I just think that some people here are writing off CTF just because they didn't enjoy it. That's not a good enough reason in my opinion. We should WANT as many people as possible to like the game and to get their features, not to be selfish and ask for something to be omited just because it wasn't your preference. There are plenty of ways to incorporate the SW storyline into CTF, to say that none of the ways that you could do so, would ever be very realistic, is just a weak argument. Everyone wants change, everyone wants improvement, but you can improve upon at the same time that you incorporate good elements from past games. I just don't see any argument.

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Guest Krayt Tion

Interesting to respond to my post from another thread in this thread. Whether it was an accident or not, I frankly don’t think it is fair to draw Raven away from any anti-CTF expressions, so I will remind them again that they are found in this thread.


Originally posted by ReAcToR:

<STRONG>Look at the popularity of CTF in most games. There is obviously a demand for CTF and I don't think that Raven/LEC should ignore this demand just because a few people on this forum don't recognize the difference between CTF in general and JK CTF.</STRONG>


So, you've decided my stance on the matter is a result of me not recognizing the difference between CTF in general and JK CTF (I am one of those "few people" am I not?). What can I say to this aside from it is getting annoying to keep hearing someone claiming that many of my opinions are bunk because I do not appreciate JK CTF for the Precious Gem that it is- or more likely that I don't understand its intricacies or something along those lines.


Enough please.


I've played massive amounts of JK and MotS CTF, from standard CTF levels (included with the game, like Raven might be responsible for making) to UT-influenced JK CTF levels, to betas from the Massassi CTF contest, all because I was curious what people might be able to bring to the CTF table. CTF wasn't terrible, and I did enjoy learning all the hidden/tricky access vantage points and other such things throughout certain CTF levels, as well as just playing the game with my teammates. I even spent a large amount of time seeing where I could go and what I could do in the Choose Teams area in certain levels, like most dedicated CTF players have always done. I have played more than my share of it.


In regards to CTF as a valuable selling point for JK2, I think you overestimate the importance of the current CTF JK and MotS niche along with the other people who play CTF in other games. Other team-based games have easily surpassed CTF as the second-most played multiplayer mode after deathmatch, as well as the premier choice of team-based play. If you want me to call up gamespy and break out some real numbers, I will.


Originally posted by ReAcToR:

<STRONG>Even the hardcore players would agree with you there. We all want to be immersed in a believable SW universe, but CTF can offer that and JK CTF did offer that.</STRONG>


I disagree, JK CTF did not offer that nearly well enough and that is one of my main concerns as I have already expressed. Not enough inherent Star Wars flavor for my tastes, and I do not think Capturing The Flag lends itself well to an immersing Star Wars universe. Follow this if you will: I would rather see multiplayer modes designed from the ground up to flow symbiotically with the Star Wars universe, as opposed to a pre-existing game play framework that is forced over the SW Universe like a Grandmother putting an itchy sweater over her Grandson. Things that make people say "Damn, I could really see this happening in the Star Wars universe based on what I know of it so far" and game play that works to boot. CTF could work in this regard but not as well as other modes or other kinds of retrieval play that put Star Wars first and work out excellent game play from there. Which brings me to:


Originally posted by ReAcToR:

<STRONG>I know it may be hard for some people to believe, but there are actually competitive players who compete in tournaments and ladders, constantly. Having an intergalactic CTF competition is just as realistic towards the SW universe as having a Swoop or Pod Race. I don't know anyone that just stopped in the middle of Episode 1 Racer and said,"Damn, what the heck am I doing in this mode of play?" The answer would be obvious. They are enjoying a mode of play that is both fun and immersive.</STRONG>


I'm glad you brought up that example again because it illustrates quite well two very different degrees of immersion in the SW universe. On one hand we have podracers and swoops, both things we have seen in action on film in the Star Wars universe! The connection to those things is immediate and ridiculously obvious and so it is no surprise that they made a podracer game and community editors have worked on a Swoop mod on more than one occasion. People fighting in tourneys and ladders by capturing flags is indeed plausible in the SW Universe, as I have said, but the connections to it are extremely distant compared to swooping or podracing, especially the way they implemented it in JK CTF. It was poor in that regard.


Originally posted by ReAcToR:

<STRONG>There is nothing that can't be improved, but just because you didn't like JK CTF and didn't believe that it was immersive enough for you, doesn't mean that others thought the same.</STRONG>


Huh? People can disagree with me all they want. It is ridiculous to think other wise. I’m sure there are some that do.


Originally posted by ReAcToR:

<STRONG>There is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion about CTF, but actually asking for Raven to exclude it, disrespects the hundreds of people who are looking forward to it.</STRONG>


Disrespect? Come on. People are not Modes of Gameplay. If someone feels so attached to a mode of gameplay (that they did not invent) that they feel it is a reflection on themselves when that idea is discussed in a negative fashion, that is bloody ridiculous. You go too far with that comment.


Originally posted by ReAcToR:

<STRONG>Why not have your modes and let us have ours? We won't exclude your role-playing if you don't exclude our hardcore, fast-paced gameplay.</STRONG>


You attempt to segregate me and possibly others into groups that don't exist among us. If I'm a roleplayer then so are you. In standard JK and MotS which every one has played, every time you load up your multiplayer character you fight with a character that has force abilities determined by a Star Assignment System that is little more than a Stat Chooser, a staple of RPGs everywhere (surprise). Even choosing no force is a stat decision in and of itself. Did you buy JK for the multiplayer only and not play the single player even once? Among game reviewers everywhere, JK distinguished itself from other shooters largely because of its strong role playing elements in both Single and Multiplayer. The ability to choose the light or dark path in single player, the stat choices and skins of famous SW characters from both the movies and EU alike in multiplayer, it's still all there. FYI, most of the time in JK I play to win or display my skills in a given area. Tell me what makes you more "hardcore" than me? Do you participate in tournaments, devout loads of time practicing, and follow the development and release of levels that suit your fast or otherwise style of play? Been there, done that, in most of the FPSes I've played.


These distinctions you make (regarding me at the very least) just aren't applicable and I don't see why you must make this into a Hardcore vs. RP scenario.


Originally posted by ReAcToR:

<STRONG>Of course, like I said above, there is always room for improvement, but totally marking out CTF isn't a viable option. If you would bother to play JK CTF(extensively) you would realize that you do far more than "running after flags." If you actually think that JK CTF can be summed up with a phrase like that, it's obvious that you didn't comprehend how complex it really was. If you did even bother to look at The Challenge At Nar Shaddaa AND Team-Fusion CTF, you probably didn't understand how skilled players actually play the game. I urge you to sit down with an NDS or TF and and watch JK CTF in action. Until you do, your opinion of JK CTF is based on an incomplete analysis.</STRONG>


Pffft. I explained enough earlier that I need not have to justify anything again. If you must know in addition to what I've mentioned earlier I have played all those levels and have seen plenty of skilled team-players lay the smack down in JK and MotS CTF.


I shouldn't have had to justify anything anyways, given that right off the bat in your first post in the coop thread you immediately were suspicious that anyone who dissed CTF didn't have a real grasp of the complexity of the game ("/me is starting to think that none of you ever played JK CTF or never really understood how complex it is, compared to any other form of CTF in existence.") Honestly, if we can be real for a second here, did you have any intention of hearing anyone out that wanted to cut CTF or were people's anti-CTF posts just the Green Light to go on an all-out CTF crusade?


In regards to just "running after flags," when you claim that I don't see any more to it than that you fail to demonstrate any real grasp of the ability to properly fuse strong SW elements and solid game play together. The 'flags' themselves are a part of the problem. I've already explained how the connection of the SW universe to a CTF match is weak and made some other comments regarding the closer relationship I would like the Star Wars universe and the game play modes to have (a relationship that would suit other things better than CTF play).


Originally posted by ReAcToR:

<STRONG>No one is saying that they don't. What we ARE saying, is that CTF should be included, along with alot of other team-based gameplay modes.</STRONG>


First of all, your fellow CTFer’s post specifically mentioned that if they don't include a CTF mode that the game will be just another clone. This easily implies that any absence of a CTF mode, even if you have lots of fresh fun modes like assault and escort, will still make the game a boring clone. If that wasn't what he meant, that's sure as heck what that statement said to me.


If you read one thing in this Force Long Post just read this so you can save your breath:


If they can include CTF (preferably with some improved connections to the SW U, keep the core game play if you want) and include other fresh new team-based modes as well that is FINE.


The only reason I ever suggested cutting CTF was because of my acknowledgement of the possibility that Raven will not be able to develop as many team-based modes as we would like. If I had to choose between CTF (including a slightly modified CTF) or a New Team-Based Mode, I would choose the New Team-Based Mode.


That is my opinion and it happens not to be an inexperienced or completely unfounded one. Feel free to want something different in the game then I want, I know where you stand, you know where I stand. But attempting to convince Raven to include CTF in part by automatically dismissing negative opinions of CTF, sighting inexperience and lack of CTF knowledge, goes too far in my case.


If you will not rest until you produce some concrete reasons and evidence why your personal preference of team play simply must be included above all others, I do not see your crusade ending any time soon.

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What's so new and fresh about Assault or Escort? They've both been done. In that case, they are old and played out. I've seen them in other games, I've played them, I didn't enjoy them. Assault is just a glorified DM. Escort is just lame. Having said that though, I'm not suggesting that it be not included if it's in plans. Simply that it's lame and I won't play it. So you've been in some maps and you've been owned a few times. Plenty of people have done that. After my first few games of CTF I declared that it was wack/gay/lame/stupid/etc... and that I'd never play it again because it was all those things. I knew the maps. I knew the team codes. I knew all the roofing spots and all the little hiding spots, blah blah blah. I understood it as a complex team game. What I didn't understand was how to put those things together and be good at it, therefore I decided it was no good. Luckily I was convinced to come back and with a few games under my belt I began to realize that CTF is all the positive things Reactor listed and more. My point in this long winded "in my day" story is that just because you knew the maps and played a few games and got smacked around doesnt neccisarily mean you were looking at it in an unbiased manner. I'd be willing to guess you simply said "oooh another ctf mod this will suck" and your hopes and dreams came true. Just because CTF has been done in other games doesn't mean it's lame in all forms. Instead of saying "I've seen it, it bites don't include it" try seeing it from the point of view of others. I respect that you don't like it personally, your belief is yours, whether I disagree or not. What I do disagree with is teh fact that you think noone should like it because you don't.

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Originally posted by Jolts:

<STRONG>I want to see Duck Duck Goose implimented into JKO.</STRONG>


hah! I wanna see Duck Duck Goose in every game!! I think some ppl will disagree though because it's not "star wars related" Everyone knows they didn't have children or childrens games in star wars.

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Guest Krayt Tion

Assault and escort aren't nearly as played out as CTF, they can't be, they haven't been around as long.


My point in this long winded "in my day" story is that just because you knew the maps and played a few games and got smacked around doesnt neccisarily mean you were looking at it in an unbiased manner. I'd be willing to guess you simply said "oooh another ctf mod this will suck" and your hopes and dreams came true. Just because CTF has been done in other games doesn't mean it's lame in all forms. Instead of saying "I've seen it, it bites don't include it" try seeing it from the point of view of others. I respect that you don't like it personally, your belief is yours, whether I disagree or not. What I do disagree with is teh fact that you think noone should like it because you don't.


Won't give up in trying to discredit me yet? :rolleyes: Oh well. I had no reason to not want to love CTF in JK, there was no "bias" I'm afraid, more fun multiplayer modes for my money can never be a bad thing. Don't believe if you don't want to. I've given CTF more of a play through than the average user has, I'm pretty damn sure. There ain't nothin else to say about that.


Try seeing it from the point of view of others? I consider the points people are trying to make and why they are trying to make them every time I respond, thanks. It almost sounds to me like you saying that I can't truly understand much less comment negatively on CTF if I don't love to play it, care to comment on that?

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I think the ctf flag model should be Yoda, and he should speak words of wisdom to you as you try and make it back to your base.


Other gameplay modes...

dodge ball

20 questions...get one 1 wrong lose an arm, or a hand etc etc...

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Gentlemen! Don't you think this "discussion" is getting just a teeeeensy bit too heated, given the subject matter?


A couple opinions on a message board are not a threat to a major, very popular game type common to many games of the genre. A major crusade is not really necessary just because someone dared say they did or did not like CTF.


Now, my words probably count for nothing here. You might very well continue on with your long, sometimes eloquent, sometimes hostile, multi-quoted treatises... but when you boil it down all they really are is "should not/should too"! Over and over again. Maybe it's a "guy thing", but personally, I just don't see why it's so vitally important that you go on butting heads over the issue.


So chill. Shake hands. Try not to spit in each other's faces, that sort of thing. Okay? :)


Okay, time in. Resume your argument, I've said my piece. :p

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Guest Krayt Tion

You mean you actually read that crap?


I realized at some point this was getting silly and expressed eerily similar sentiments at the end of the first page of this.


While this was debated voraciously on both sides such things happen frequently in places where dedicated fans of all kinds gather during the pre-release. One Force Long Post deserves another in my book, and while it might be heated, it is far from cry from uncivilized.


So far there has been no flaming and I expect it will remain that way. I harbor no ill will towards anyone over this and I think I can trust it is the same for others. An idea is an idea and if I disagree with it you will know about it, just as it is acceptable for me to hear from others when they don't like what I have to say.

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I was all set to post, but I've grown just too tired to read through and post a rant of my own.


My general suggestion is just for everyone to chill and realize that LEC/Raven is making THEIR game, and though our suggestions are nice, we should not get too big a head and think that we can tell them what to do. Once the dust settles everyone has their preferences, and as long as the game has enough options, there can be something for everyone. I love CTF and I have lots of opinions about it, one being that it positively RULES when done properly (and you can get a good team together). Let's hope it's great.


I'll be posting again with a FLP (Force Long Post) and hopefully it will be a good one, but some other time!


Btw, I would point out that while the <a href="http://www.lucasarts.com/e3/seven/">JK2 E3 Page has mentioned CTF for some time</a> the <a href="http://www.lucasarts.com/products/outcast/splash.htm">Official JK2 product page</a> does not mention CTF (it mentions deathmatch and "team based" play as the "two" game modes).






[ September 26, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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A couple opinions on a message board are not a threat to a major, very popular game type common to many games of the genre.


I agree to an extent, I'm just worried that since they've changed "capture the flag" to something else on the LEC page, that it won't be included. IMO, that's like saying that the game isn't going to have a Lightsaber.


Maybe it's a "guy thing", but personally, I just don't see why it's so vitally important that you go on butting heads over the issue.


It's not so vital that people agree with me or understand where I'm coming from, it's just vital that Raven/LEC does. ;)


Krayt Tion:


So far there has been no flaming and I expect it will remain that way. I harbor no ill will towards anyone over this and I think I can trust it is the same for others. An idea is an idea and if I disagree with it you will know about it, just as it is acceptable for me to hear from others when they don't like what I have to say.




I was all set to post, but I've grown just too tired to read through and post a rant of my own.




Btw, I would point out that while the JK2 E3 Page has mentioned CTF for some time the Official JK2 product page does not mention CTF (it mentions deathmatch and "team based" play as the "two" game modes).


I noticed that as well. I suppose that's mainly why I've spent so much time debating this issue. Has me a little worried.


All I want is for Raven/LEC to see both sides of the issue. There were alot of people that were potraying CTF in a negative way, in my opinion, and I just wanted Raven/LEC to know that those remarks weren't how alot of us see things. I think I've done that and hopefully won't have to make anymore force long posts.

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I have chosen to longer post in this thread as it's become a "CTF sucks, no it doesn't" type thing, but I'm breaking my own rule here simply to agree with Reactor. We see things similarly because we are one and the same person, and if you cannot believe that then he is my lover.


[ September 26, 2001: Message edited by: NDS_FogOgg ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

I think the change to LEC's JK2 section that removed the specific mention of CTF was made after PCG had that interview with Raven.


Anyways, nice to see people holding hands in a circle movin counter-clockwise in a big field of flowers. Peace and joy for all. ;)

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Originally posted by Krayt Tion:

<STRONG>Anyways, nice to see people holding hands in a circle movin counter-clockwise in a big field of flowers. Peace and joy for all. ;)</STRONG>


<center>Sarcasm-Detector 2001</center>

<font color=green>-----------------</font><font color=yellow>---------------</font><font color=red>-------->

<center><blink>Warning: System Overload</font></center></blink>



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Guest Krayt Tion

Counter-clockwise, Jedi Howell, because that's how it played out in my mind. Picture if you will an island in the sun, waist-high grasses blowing lackadaisically in the gentle wind, softly muted are the echoes of children's laughter as they prance around gleefully in celebration of life and Jedi Knight 2.


I'm lucky I didn't short out the forums this time, Denise, as it is a little known fact that every single bit of forum downtime thus far has been the direct result of sarcasm of cataclysmic proportions. :o Nice arrow.

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