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Nov PC Gamer

Guest Hannibal

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Originally posted by Krayt Tion:

<STRONG>This weapon was brought up because it seemed like it would be a good anti-jedi weapon to use against saberists because the many flechettes fired from it could not all be blocked! </STRONG>


It is, indeed, nearly impossible to block all the flechettes with a lightsaber... just kinda worked out that way.

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So, is there coop I wonder? Does the magazine mention it?


From the LEC site:


Availability: Spring 2002

Genre: Action

Platform: PC Windows


In the tradition of the multi-award-winning Jedi Knight, rebel agent Kyle Katarn returns in exhilarating first-person action. Several years have passed since Kyle avenged his father's death and saved the Valley of the Jedi from Jerec and his band of Dark Jedi. Allowing his Force powers to languish for fear of falling to the dark side, Kyle entrusted his lightsaber to Luke Skywalker, vowing never to use it again. But when a new and menacing threat to the galaxy emerges, Kyle knows he must reclaim his past in order to save his future. Jedi Outcast is being developed in partnership with Activision's critically acclaimed developer Raven Software. Players assume the role of Kyle as they employ a unique mix of weapons, Force powers and your lightsaber in both single- and multiplayer modes.

Expanded and enhanced use of the lightsaber features a slew of attack and defense moves


Tap into the powers of the Force including Jump, Push, Jedi Mind Tricks and more


Employ combat or stealth, depending on the situation. When a fight is necessary, be at the ready with an arsenal of weapons: stun baton, Bryar blast pistol, blaster rifle to name but a few.


Explore breathtaking Star Wars locales--Cloud City, the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers' moon--plus some never-before-seen locations


Two multiplayer modes: Jedi training and team-based play


Developed in conjunction with the critically acclaimed Raven Software using an advanced Quake III™ engine


"Team based play" ? Hmm...



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Guest Krayt Tion

Wow. I was more than pleased to see your replies when I woke up this morning ChangKhan. :D


Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]:

<STRONG>It is, indeed, nearly impossible to block all the flechettes with a lightsaber... just kinda worked out that way.</STRONG>


So we now have a weapon that is more or less confirmed to land succesful hits against a saberist/jedi even when they execute a solid block. Seems great from where I stand, can't wait to see how the rest of the weapons fit into this balance.


Chang's second quote of course suggests that the similarities between the EU FC1 Flechette launcher and the one will shall get our hands on in JK2 are perhaps stronger rather than weaker. From my perspective this also looks good to me.


Now where is that smoking pimp smiley? Oh well this will have to do. :cool:

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Perhaps in my eagerness to find fault in Krayt Tion eagerness I was a bit to eager... Just kidding.


Seriously though, it is good to have confirmation that there is similarities between the Flechettes,it may yet be the anti-jedi weapon it was thought to be.


Bodes well indeed.

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Guest Apparition

Flechette is used in many terms but generally it's not a weapon that fires a stream but bursts of small sharp shards and usually in a very wide blast. There are actually flechette grenades (an expensive improvement on fragmentation minds) where a tightly compact explosive is encased by inch long nails. The outer covering is an extremely thin metal. When exploded the nails tear through the outer shell and are sent in every direction and the shards of the thin metal are usually sent out with it (imagine very deep paper thin cuts as well as huge deep holes from the nails). I'm not sure what context it will be used for in the game but I'm just relating this to real world material. By the way, flechette grenades are illegal, expensive, and barely ever used by the military. It's main purpose is for room clearing particularly in large rooms because most of the occupants won't be killed but severely injured and incapacitated. Then again, occasional nails to the head or heart weren't uncommon.

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Sounds like the disruptor for JKO could be the eqivalent of the phaser rifle in Elite Force. That could open up the possibility of a disentegration mode for JKO.


I'm sure they're thinking of the team game & classes options when they develop the weapons. That way certain weapons can be attached to particular classes and there will be a set of features that require teams to use various classes simultaneously to achieve a goal.

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Guest Home_Sliced

First off, thanks for the clarifications ChangKhan. I'm sure those points could have been "debated" for hours... :)


So the known weapons now include (and my guess as to where they "fall" in terms of power):


1 - Stun Baton (melee, replaces fists?)

2 - Bryar Pistol (same as old?)

3 - Stormtrooper Blaster Rifle (same as old?)

4 - Thermal Detonators (more powerful I hope)

5 - Wookie Bowcaster (explosive quarrels?)

6,7? - Flechette Launcher (shotgun or flak-cannon style weapon?)

8,9? - Disruptor (death and destruction :cool: )

0 - Lightsaber ( :cool: )


If there will be the "standard" 10 weapons, and they are all fairly unique, then that leaves a few openings for remaining weapon types:


-Full Machine Gun (an improved repeater?)

-Rocket Launcher (gotta love the sticky rails from JK)

-Grenade Launcher (perhaps could be implemented in flechette launcher)

-Sniper Rifle (already been talked about a lot :))

-Proximity/Trip Mines (IM Mines)

-Beam Weapon (could be disruptor)

-Instant Hit Weapon (could be disruptor)

-Some variation of above

-A prototype/experimental type weapon




Edit: No zoom on bryar, reorganize w/ numbers


[ September 17, 2001: Message edited by: Home_Sliced ]

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Originally posted by Moses:

<STRONG>Uh, Lightshadow? Energy blasts don't move at the speed of light. It they did, we wouldn't be able to see them, and I'm pretty sure not even a Jedi could block them. But your point is well taken with the flechette blocking.</STRONG>

Umm, lasers ARE light, therefore move at the speed of light and we can see them, and flashlights are light and when you shine them at the sky, you can see the stream from them.

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Guest Hannibal
Originally posted by Tre Lightshadow:


Umm, lasers ARE light, therefore move at the speed of light and we can see them, and flashlights are light and when you shine them at the sky, you can see the stream from them.</STRONG>


The light from the laser reaches your eyes at the speed of light but the laser does not travel at the speed of light. There is no way any character would be able to duck or jump behind a wall and hide from a laser blast traveling at the speed of light. Jedi or not. Think of it this way:


Me and a friend are standing side by side. I have a flash light he has a blaster. We bove activate them at the same time. Say a person is standing 50 yards away. The light from the flash light and the blaster fire would reach the person at the same time but the actual blaster fire would arrive later.

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Guest Krayt Tion

I don't agree that they are keeping classes in mind when developing the weapons. Unless of course they mentioned something about class-based multiplayer in the PC Gamer preview, I haven't recieved my copy yet. I don't see any information to support this, although I would easily welcome class-based (or team-based class-based) play to JK2.


If they include the "standard 10" that would leave 2 more slots instead of 3 or 4.


The designated sniper rifle is essentially the stormie rifle with its scope from what I gather. Would they include a stand alone sniper rifle on top of that? My guess would be no. Especially if the byrar can zoom as well, was that information in the new PCG?


Unless the disruptor has splash damage, the one thing I notice we could be missing is some kind of splash damage projectile weapon. We have splash damage in the form of thermals but I question whether that is enough from a Can't Be Blocked standpoint. The power of the disruptor could certainly make that a moot concern though if it can do damage that is not splash damage even it is 'blocked.'


They could provide a gun that shoots thermals at people. That would be wild. You could throw them individually or if you pressed, say, the 4 key another time that would bring up the thermal launcher. Not that I expect this to be implemented, but it does demonstrate the possibility of having more than one weapon per number key while still making sense, if they go that route. This seems unlikely at this time.


Based on standard FPS balance systems I guess that some kind of Mine weapon the other likely lucky candidate in the standard 10 weapon package.


I should definitely mention that I see no reason why JK has to the follow the standard FPS weapon model in terms of damage balance. This isn't your average FPS, in some cases you will probably be fighting people armed not only with their weapons but their force powers as well. So long as the weapons remain relatively balanced in multiplayer I think this game will be fun for all. I look foward to seeing what Raven can put out, whether they think within the standard weapon confines or not. I think they have lots of room to maneuver.


Another thing to consider is which weapon could we call the 'shotgun' type. If the bowcaster can fire its secondary spread instantly instead of charging up I think we might be able to consider that the shotgun type: nastily effective at close range but almost useless at long ranges as the bolts spread out. The flechette would appear a more solid choice for the shotgun at this point, although I get the impression that this is more of a heavy weapon. ChangKhan expressed that there were some similarities between JK2's flechette launcher and the FC1. In that case I think it might have a longer range than your average shotgun. I could be completely wrong (this is just from memory), I need only to check my SW Guide to Weapons book but that is not available to me at this time.


Yes, that was a lot of speculation and I welcome a lot of debate. This is a large part of what an internet site dedicated to a game that is yet to be released for months is for.

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In Star Wars, the guns shoot plasma, so I could see how that travels slower than light, but still a LASER is a light. Light is even in the acronym (I can't remember the whole thing), but lasers are just really condensed light, plasma isn't and that is what the Star Wars guns shoot, but LASERS still travel at the speed of light, since they are light.

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Yeah I'm with Krayt. Did they mention the zoom function on the bryar in the magazine, cause I haven't read that anywhere else. We know that something will have a zoom function because of this. That would make the bryar a viable weapon if so, because I don't know about you, but I used it only in the first 2 levels of JK and never in multiplayer.

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