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Force Jump...down?


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I'm not sure if this has been discussed yet, but what do you guys think about having a force landing. So, for instance, you could jump off a high cliff and pad your landing by hitting Force Jump?


The way it works on the Saber X mod for MotS is pretty nice. Something along those lines anyway.




"I'm no hero. I just like hitting people in the head." -Nelson Muntz

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Sounds like a good idea, it would add more to Force Jump as well. Perhaps a few people would think twice before taking lightning over jump (or another power on jump's level).


The only problem this may present is effects on the map, jumping up is limited so while you jump very high there are still lots of places out of reach. A similar limit may have to be put on this, otherwise you could get from the highest point to the lowest in a couple of seconds. Maybe after a certain distance down you still get hurt as normal, this way while it provides benifits everyone wont be constantly using it because they have to judge if its too far down to use or not.


[ August 17, 2001: Message edited by: Syndrix ]

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Guest Kurgan

Oh sort of like Force Far Sight worked in MotS.


You could use it at the last moment of a long jump, and if timed correctly, it stopped you for a second and then gave you a soft landing = no damage.


Of course it didn't work on bottomless pits, but it was good if you were willing to sacrifice a few stars you could use on some other power.


Good idea.



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Guest Krayt Tion

I personally prefered the Spork version which let me fly through the air to my heart's content without having to worry about the landing damage. I felt very free.


Anyone who has ever repeatedly jumped from particularly high places knows there are things you can do minimize the force of your impact. I'm not talking about accidently trying to recover from a fall, I'm talking about deliberate jumps from places where just landing square on your feet would be a very bad idea. I've made many a smooth landing by transfering some some of the impact energy into a roll the second I've hit the ground.


If I can do it, a Jedi can certainly manage to not force jump into the air on level ground and fall down and get hurt like a baby falling out of his crib. How silly. A seperate force power or key could accomplish this but I can see it just as easily be included as an inherent ability included with Force Jump, maybe at the cost of more mana.


Please note that I am only commenting on Force Jumping relatively straight off the ground, give or take 60 degrees. This is different then falling from distances greater then the height of a Jedi's 4 Star Force Jump on level ground and somewhat of a seperate issue.

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"control, you must learn control"

sorry.. but thats how I viewed jks use of damage, both with running into things, and falling off things..

You had to have control of the speed and jump skills that the game gave you, other wise it was worse then not having them....

Spork was totally spoilt for me by that..

you could just bound about any which way wif out care.. I didnt like that at all.

a button would be better then that.. but I would rather have fall damage ala jk. harsh

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well i look at it like this, if you can jump this high (insert height) you should be able to fall w/o taking damage from that high (insert same height). a person cannot jump high enough to hurt themselves, and i doubt a jedi can either, and with the less than accurate noise to tell you how high you will jump, it would only help... sort of how k-ti explained it...

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no, not exactly, but close.


you see, its like a cat. if you throw it (lets just say it conveniently falls) from 5 stories, its got a better chance than surviving from that height that from 3 stories.


as the jedi falls for longer, he gets more in touch with the force, and can regain his direcetion and balance in mid air, therefore preparing himself for the world of pain he is about to experience. its all about mind control. being in touch with urself

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