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A question about Yavin


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Welcome to the forums. :D


It's hard to say at the moment who we might encounter in the game. Luke Skywalker is probably the highest in the probability stakes...but as for the others at the Academy... *shrugs*


I just hope we get to explore Yavin 4...I think it would be cool to wander around those ancient Massassi temples...

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JK2 is set approximately 13-14 years after the end of ANH (Battle Of Yavin), I believe (I seem to recall that from an earlier chat event).


So in the context of the timeline, it's around the time of the Darksaber, Planet Of Twlight and Crystal Star novels...and a couple of years after the Jedi Academy books.


Hope that gives you a better idea. ;)

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Heh, it'd be cool if while you're wandering around Yavin 4, you have to avoid a swarm of pirhana beatles, have woolamanders throw sticks and stuff at you, kill a few runyips for dinner. heh. Also, go to the various temples in the area. Maybe Exar Kun has an old hideout besides the one that Corran destroyed that you could go in play with all the old Sith artifacts and have Kyle get all edgy around the stuff of the darkside.

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Thank you JediKnight_144 at last ive found someone who actually nows who Exar Kun is. Outcast does look to be very expanded and production does look to have really gone out of its way into making the levels as large and realistc as possible, the best thing ive seen is all of the imperial control panels in what im pretty shore is an imperial star destroyer which is exactly the same as in A New Hope which also carrys that star wars look.

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