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heh surge, easy fix if they dont got absorb on, supergrip eg hit the grip key many many times killem in 2 sec heh eat up all ure mana but so what. Also jus turning on Aborb or protection usualy killed thier adv with surge specialy in JK as u got no Chain lighting to eat though protection.

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it probally matters a whole lot how the force powers are set, like jk or mots.

im thinking it will probally be like mots since it was the last dark force game/expansion and since kyles suppose to be a full blown jedi. and in mots was way to powerful and i felt it was a lot better even and funner in jk, evan with the surges.

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we might not even have stars.. they might give everyone the same powers.. :)


isnt supper grip, grip + use force.. or is that just jk..

I never tried just hammering grip in mots..

thats what annoyed me about mots tho, having absorb, and then something like grip, that to me negated most force powers use..


jk ff etiquette(sp?) usually banned super(sith)grip, and if the guys got the surge, he is more likely to use it v you.

personally I never had a problem with it 3 bactas will leave the enemy with 0 mana :)

well assuming he is not surging..

I wouldnt mind the current surge if its spawn was 4 minutes standard 2 if pulled..

its just to remove it as the main focal powerup of ff.

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Ya, just banging on a grip key won't do much for you in MotS. So, it would have to be:


set supergrip "while SelectForce != ForceGrip, SelectForce++; useForce;useForce;useForce;useForce;useForce;useForce;useForce;useForce;"

bind f vstr supergrip


dunno if Q3 scripting supports any kind of while statements tho ;)


Actually no Force Stars at all would be an interesting approach. No choice at all in what kind of Jedi we want to be... Not sure I like the idea really. No way to sacrifice one ability for another.


Let's take this a step further: What if you could boost a specific Force power with specific power-up items that the user would have to walk over or pull to activate? E.g. a Force speed boost, a grip boost, a jump boost, a lightning boost etc.


Heretic 2 did something somewhat similar. In H2 you start with only a staff and a fireball spell. You would have to pick up spell book items to be able to use additional, more powerful spells. You had a defensive mana and offensive mana well that you draw from when using spells. And you use a tome to augment the ability of any spell you had picked up.


This arrangement would make the Force completely dependent on which items you could control. You would start with no Force powers and then, by picking up 'force pickups,' you can then use those abilities. Very different kind of gameplay than JK/MotS. Not sure how well it would work, but I thought I'd throw it out there for comment.


[ August 23, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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unfortunatly not.

it would be easy in q2, seeing you could alias +grip "use force grip"

alias -grip "use force;use force; use force...."

bind d +grip


But in q3 you would have to do something like


set gripon "+grip; set griptoggle vstr gripoff"

set gripoff"-grip; set griptoggle vstr gripon; use force; use force; use force...."

set griptoggle "vstr gripon"

bind d "vstr griptoggle"

that would make it so you press d, it then automatically hold grip on for you, then you press it again and it grips your target and siths them to death..


although I am praying that a: the whole use force, scroll through forces thing will be gone, b: if not grip wont be sithable, even if it wasnt really a problem..


actually a scroll through force system would be easy


set scrollon "bind mwheelup prevforcepower; bind mwheeldown nextforcepower; set scrollforce vstr scrolloff"

set scrolloff "bind mwheelup prevweap;bind mweeldown nextweap; use force; set scrollforce vstr scrollon"

set scrollforce vstr scrollon

bind mouse3 "vstr scrollforce"


but that would still be a slow way to do it..

just as scrolling through the weapons is st00pid in q3

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but you still have to evaluate what the current active force power is when scrolling in order to supergrip. You have to know when to stop scrolling. ;)


It's all theoretical anyway. And even if Raven does implement force selection, supergrip will probably get nuked.

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I actually did something similar for jk as a mess about thingy..

you picked up a surge, and you would either get grip, speed, jump or persuade randomly..

but having 4 seperate runes would be interesting.. could do it easily using then ss ls wa and ds powerups. for the 4 powers above.

however it would only be good for a kinda experiment, it would suck for the main gameplay, as would imo having no choice..

however the idea of having all the powers avaliable, but just being able to make a few of them better would be interesting..


if you use any powers whilst gripping then the grip lock is broken..

even if sithing. so it would work..


but I am guessing super grip wont exist..

which is perfectly fine.


[ August 23, 2001: Message edited by: KillerBee ]

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Hmmmm they should be able to prevent SG with good programming. They could add a couple lines of code to check to see if the player is already gripping a target when grip is first activated. If it comes up as true, then the previous grip could be dropped or the new one cancelled. If SG is possible out of the box, then I'd guess that's something that would be fixed with the first patch.

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super grip was kind of a bug blown all to hell with a surge.


2 interesting points already raised, both kb's.


Making spawn times related to the # of people in a game.


Building on this idea u could do a lot with it, say if u snagged one power up and got another one while the 1st one was in effect, that increased/decreased the time it took that one to spawn. Would add another dimension to it.


2nd idea was the idea of multiple and more specific powerups. Thats kind of how it works in rune, and its pretty interesting there. Every powerup does somthing different, and with a different weapon. Could do somthing similar in JK0 but exchange 'weapon' for 'force'. That'd be pretty neat.


Item control is a big aspect of JK, I don't think they should toss it out the window, but mebe make it much more intricate and complex. That'd be true to the original while tempering some of JK's harsher aspects.



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