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Jedi Outcast Enemies


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Possessed? :eek:


I don't know about that...but maybe the R2 units should have the same capability as R2 from the films. If you recall, he was able to generate a smoke-screen, and use one of his appendages as an electric-prod. And if you go around destroying them, maybe all the R2 units gang up on you, and try to shock you to death. ;-)

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Well, in TPM game there was few R2 units that tried to shock Panaka and Obi-Wan... Okey forget that I mentioned that game! :( Seriously, I would like to see more interaction with astromech AND protocol droids; in MotS there was few situations where you needed their help but not too often. Come on, droids are crucial part of the movies and SW universe, enemies or not. Assassin Droid from MotS, for example, could easily make reappearance or perhaps Empire has digged up some of Episode I-II era Battle Droids/Droidekas to aid them... :D


[ October 05, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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The Empire had special forces for different hazardous conditions - remember the snow troopers in The Empire Strikes Back. Maybe we could have some of them and more for swamp land. Also, the giant reptiles that the storm troopers rode in A New Hope on Tatooine would be great.

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Gonk...LOL :D


I can just imagine some backward planet with primitives worshipping a battered old Gonk Droid on a pedestal. ;-)




I too would like to see more interaction with droids for the reasons you mentioned. Like getting an R2 unit to jack in and open a blast door in your way.




Yeah, I have to agree about troopers showing a diversity of armour/clothing - and even tactics - depending on the environment. The same goes for any of the characters, though.


It might also be cool if you could catch some stormies in their barracks, with only half their armour on...or minus a helmet or something.

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Snow troopers would be very cool... they even looked good in that echo base level of SOTE.


In fact.. a snow based level would be cool.. the one in DF was... especially with tauntauns, snow troopers, falling ice, snow beasts etc.. Imagine throwing your saber to drop stalagmites on stormies... Or just colapse the whole coridoor on them.


Some stormies with those big heave blaster weapons that had to be set up on tripods would be cool as well. (I think they had those in SOTE as well). It would be really cool if they ran in and started setting them up, so you had to take them out before they were in place.


Some swamp/rubbish levels with those trash-compactor snake monsters that were in DF1 would be cool too... they would look much better in proper 3d.


Some big dragons/creatures are essential.


Assasin droids would be nice...if they made them really evil. NOgrhi would be very cool... As would undercover stormie infiltration squads dressed as regular citizens.


Sand people on banthas.

Dark troopers, crimson guard. all cool.

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It would be nice if not all the "bosses" were Dark Jedi (there are a lot of them).


Maybe a few original bounty hunters or something... at least before he gets his saber back.

This would add a bit of variation to boss battles... as it would be nice to have the odd boss battle that wasn't totally FORCE/SABER.


If they are gonna invent new storm troopers, it would be cool if they could make some standard imperial army troopers (standard Starship troopers style grey jumpsuits and helmets?)


Speeder bike enemies would be cool.. but only if they fly like proper speederbikes, swooping down on you rather than hovering. It would be cool to time it right and jump up to slice through their steering vanes.

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Awesome ideas Toms!!


I like the snowtroopers suggestion, and speeder bikes..well that would just be plain awesome! The trooper is circling you taking pot shots then you cut his bike up into little piece MUWAHHAHAHA...ahem..


But we still need some of the MOTS enemies in there...sith statues hint hint. Nogrhi and Vornskrrs as well.


[ October 11, 2001: Message edited by: Darth Lunatic ]

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Boba Fett...yes...


An interesting character with limitless potential for a mini-storyline revolving around him.


As an example:

Boba Fett, Bossk and Dengar advance on you. You are armed only with your lightsaber after being knocked out by stun blast from Boba Fett (in an earlier part of the level--if you defeated Fett, he'd take off on Slave 1).

The three draw their blasters. You reach for your lightsaber...you notice it hanging from Fett's belt.

You attempt to draw on the Force...not there. You notice the ysalamri on the far wall. You scramble to your feet. Boba Fett takes up an enforcer's position at the back of the formation. Dengar and Bossk take aim.

Boba Fett shoots his cable, tying them up, and takes them away to collect bounties. He helps you through the rest of level out of respect for you...


And a lump sum.

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Referring to what Darth Tech-Surfer said there are specialty stormies called Airtroopers (jetpack propelled troopers), Seatroopers (probably scuba diving troops or something like that), Earth Troopers which are undermining tunneling troops and Magma Troopers that patrol Imperial Mining camps on volcanic planets.


Personally Id like to see Mynocks from the Empire Strikes Back so you could go out of your ship and shoot them down out of the sky or something for chewing on the power cabels. :p:rolleyes::eek::):D

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The things I'd like to see are these.


- A Yunnzhan Vong warrior, okay maybe Outcast is before they arrive but a guy can imagine.


- Have like a swoop, speeder bike guy, coming down from all directions, but not make it like the ep 1 game/ in the second level. So you'd have better saber control and slice the swoop in a number of parts like in return of the Jedi.


- Have a number of bosse, dark Jedi, bountry hunters, killer droids and so on.


- Way better lightsaber duels.


- Have it more like a story than a game and have trists. Like in Young Jedi Knights.

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