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thanks winter



Right hand kyle- double barrelled weapon. perhaps the flechette, following q2's super nailgun style?



Some delicious looking architecture there!



So you dont have to go to the site to the links, here they are.


<a href="http://www.theforce.net/games/pics/scan1.jpg">Close Combat</a> [*]<a href="http://www.theforce.net/games/pics/scan2.jpg">Nice Weapon</a> [*]<a href="http://www.theforce.net/games/pics/scan3.jpg">Fire in Cloud City</a> [*]<a href="http://www.theforce.net/games/pics/scan4.jpg">Jedi Knight</a> [*]<a href="http://www.theforce.net/games/pics/scan5.jpg">Multiplayer</a> [*]<a href="http://www.theforce.net/games/pics/scan6.jpg">The Green Menace</a> [*]<a href="http://www.theforce.net/games/pics/scan7.jpg">2 on 1</a>


Discuss! we've seen a couple of them, but there IS some newies. Once you get past the bas scan quality, theres some amazing stuff there.

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The rodian in screenshot 6 looks real cool. Look at all that detail on the face. Even the eyes seem to glow. The arm thing is probably and hopefully just an early bug. The only thing i have noticed with the graphics is that the textures and levels look no better that those of Elite Force and Q3 Team arena. The character models look much better though :).

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Well, I must say this game is looking sweet.


The architecture looks okay...but I'm more interested in the scale of it. In the Nice Weapon pic, for example, you can see people in the distance - and they are quite far away. I believe my concerns about the size of the levels in JK2 could be laid to rest. Especially if the same scale is used vertically.


In the pic Close Combat, you can really see the detail on the Gran - including the fact that his mouth is properly modelled, not just a texture. It would be really cool if the three eyes are independently animated. And is that a Thermal Detonator I see before me? It has a more utilitarian look, and I think I like it.


There's not really much to say about the Multiplayer pic except that gun looks a little bit too big. I initially thought it was the Bryar pistol, but it seems to be different. Could be the Flechette gun as someone else suggested.


The Rodian in the Green Menace pic is also very good. Why are they all wearing white though?


I like the model of the ship in the background.


The 2 on 1 pic again shows the sheer scale of the level being played. Look how far away that green Bowcaster shot is, and the player just to the left of it. And that's a very nice arch those two Kyle's are coming through. Nice.


The characters and weapons have been very nicely modelled and textured throughout.


I hope they will add a lot of other objects to break up some of the sparser-looking architecture...like on JK's Baron's Hed level. You know, people selling wares, maybe some wall tapestries...things like that to add some colour. I'm sure we'll see lots of NPCs, droids etc. as well.


I have a feeling this is going to be another one of my favourite games of all time.


Great work, Raven. ;-)

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Good work Raven... (i am having to say that each time you release something new, you keep surpassing yourself!) :)


the architechture looks nice, the aliens look nice, and that new crosshair looks nice!




Stormhammer, do you think that could that thermal be a flash bomb?



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Originally posted by wardz:

Stormhammer, do you think that could that thermal be a flash bomb?


Anything is possible. It has more of a grenade-type look, though, and does not have the same features as the FBs we're used to, from MotS. Perhaps it is a different type of device...which would certainly be welcome. As long as it does the bouncy-thing in secondary fire mode, I don't mind. ;-)


[EDIT: altered reference from JK to MotS. Ooops. ;-)]


[ October 02, 2001: Message edited by: StormHammer ]

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I have to make comment on the architecture, its design. I think this is of the major things people will judge JK2 on. Many people seem to love JK's multilayered verticality, fighting on many levels. I can understand this (even if I think JK's level design was average, CO may have levels but it was still shoddy).


As StormHammer said, it is quite big, and the city looks very nice (I'm talking about design, not texture). If you are able to actually get to those bridge it would be good, especially if they had things like that in MP. In JK you could have seprate battles going on but they were never really "seperate", only 3 seconds of force speed away. If we have maps that size the possiblities are huge, imagine running into that area to see the distant flashes of sabers colliding as two Jedi duel on one of the bridges, while on the ground someone somwehere has a crosshair over you and your first clue is a flurry of blasts that you quickly try to avoid while similtaniously working out where they are coming from.


I dont know what everyone else thinks but this is the kind of multi-faceted, vertically layered, very expansive levels I want to see in JK2.


Edit: Also I think that in that scan it is a "chain gun looking" heavy weapon, or perhaps the flechette gun, not the bryar. I thinks it looks similar because it has coils around it similar to the look of the bryar (only scaled up). If you examine its end it has more than one barrel like a spinning minigun. I doubt it is the bryar.


[ October 03, 2001: Message edited by: Syndrix ]

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Guest Kurgan

Yeah, if that's the bryar, it has grown from pistol size to Concussion Rifle size!


Wouldn't make much sense, because as we all know, the Bryar pistol is a modified Bryar rifle that Kyle modified (sawed off and attached a new handle).


Perhaps it's just an early model, or perhaps it's some other weapon that just happens to resemble it...


It does remind me of the Bryar pistol as shown in Dark Forces though (which was round.. the JK one was squareish, due to it being low poly).



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