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Guest ZeroXcape

I always thought the TNT2's were pretty powerful... but when I compared it up against my geForce2 GTS .. I saw how much it really did lack. I stuck my TNT2 in my linux server and now have a GF2 and Voodoo3 PCI card in my gaming box.


Yes, a 32mb video card should be enough... I'm almost sure I'll upgrade to a Radeon 8500 or geForce3 by JKII... but we'll see.

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Welcome wookiee... i notice youve been signed up for a while but havent posted. Always good to check out the weirdos before you become one....



My 32meg Matrox (ahhhhh good old matrox :)) will do me for now..... and at the end of the month ill be FINALLY changing my sad pathetic little 33.6 (which gets better pings than most 56.6's) to cable :)


*and there was much rejoicing*



Just go a geforce 2 or above. It'll be plenty fine. Just remember that we're all under the impression that it wont be as graphically demanding as SOF2, and we all know what the minimum specs on that are...


and if youre one of those who dont.... well....... theyre not too high.

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Originally posted by BallisticWookiee:

<STRONG>Hi guys :) First post here. This game looks fantastic from the miniscule bits of information that have been released. I cant wait !!


Out of those video cards:


GeForce 2 GTS

GeForce 2 MX400


I would get neither. Try out the Geforce 2 Titaniums :) Much more powerful, and nice and cheap. :)</STRONG>


Welcome, it's always good to see another Australian here.

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE:

<STRONG>32Mb will be more than enough. 16Mb will probably be for best graphics. It'll need a lot of system ram though, probably about 256Mb for best graphics.</STRONG>


You can't even run Quake III in high detail with a 16meg graphics card without a severe degradation in performance. I personally wouldn't want to use anything lower than a 32meg card on a Quake III engine game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Depends on your processor. If you have a 1.4 Athlon, 256MB RAM and a TNT2 Pro like I do, you should have no problems on medium detail.

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If JK2 specs are even half what the SoF2 specs are, you'd need about a 64meg video card to be able to run at the highest texture detail setting.


With SoF2, I'm hearing that there is currently no commercial card available that can run the game on highest detail ( you'd need something like 128meg on your vid card ). That's pretty insane.


But, Quake3 does have a picmip setting you can do from the console. This somehow reduces texture size on the card, probably by sampling them down first. You lose texture detail, but you'd have less problems with texture thrashing with smaller textures.


So...I guess my answer is that you should get the most memory you can on your video card (64 if you can afford it). Otherwise, your card will more quickly become obsolete...or at least not able to play any games that are coming out in the next couple of years. If you don't care about high detail settings or can't afford a 64 meg video card, 32 megs will probably be adequate for a while....but absolutely do not go under 32 megs!



[ December 02, 2001: Message edited by: Rancor ]

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Originally posted by Millions o' Monkeys:

<STRONG>im sure the nice and spiffy geforce 3 titanium will be ablr to handle it ;)</STRONG>


I'm sure it will too, as a matter of fact I just picked up one of those nice and spiffy things (it's a Leadtek Winfast Ti500).

Trouble is, my ATX powersupply seems to refuse any further duty, so I'm forced to use my old and humble PI 233 w/ 4MB VGA card to be able to type this- quite ironic really.


I have been able to play RTCW on Friday and Saturday using the Leadtek though and I have to say that, going from a GF2 32MB, it makes a lot of difference.

With the GF2, I wasn't really able to run Q3 powered games fluently on the highest detail setting (Elite Force even managed to make my system crawl that way, I think I got 3 fps at one particularly graphically intensive spot), with the GF3 (64MB) everything is buttersmooth.

So in the end I would say that a moderately powerful system such as my 'previous' one (Athlon 1Ghz/GF2 32MB/384MB SDRAM) should be able to run JKO fine, but if you really want to go for maximum eyecandy I'd still suggest a powerhouse comparable to my soon to be (hopefully) Athlon XP 1800+/GF3 64MB/512MB DDR RAM setup.

BTW, an ATI Radeon 8500 in stead of a GF3 would do equally fine running JKO.

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Um, I doubt SoF2 requires a video card with 128MB RAM to run at high detail. I say this because you'd need a Voodoo 5 6000 to do that, which has 128MB SDRAM. And only about 50 of those were ever made. There's also the consideration of memory bandwidth, clock speed and memory speed. It's not just a number you see on a box.

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I have seen the sof2 video at Gamespot and the outldoor levels were very real looking. I can see why a 64 meg videocard may be needed for the highter graphics settings. From what I read JK2 will be using the same exact modified team arena game engine. Just purchased a new Dell optioned with a 64 meg Geforce 3 card with JK2 in mind.

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ok, here's my bit of advice:



Under $200 = Geforce 2 Ti


$200-300 = ATI Radeon 8500 OR Geforce 3 Ti 200


$300+ = Geforce 3 Ti 500


Also: 256 Mb RAM


I think the video card is more important than RAM, but a good Geforce 2 Ti = only $150, which really is amazing since it is a great card.


Also, if you dont have a 1 gig CPU YOU WILL SUFFER if you get a Geforce 3. Trust me on that one.

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