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The Raven Comparrison


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Originally posted by Dante:



the T2 engine is the worst ive come across...have you seen the system specs for that beast?!? </STRONG>


umm on my PII 400 Mhz 128 Mb RAM w/ VOODOO 3!


the game ran at 25-35 fps with 32+ people


besides, I said that Dynamix didn't use the engine properly

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I have never played T2 (and probably never will) is it any good. i saw it in the shops and it looked ok and it was quite cheap (£12.99) so i thoguht i might ask yous how it is?

I am offended by your crossing out of THE spoon and u shall be suffering eternal torture due to ur inscolence to THE SPOON

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Wow this is getting to be a long thread... I don't check it for awhile and look what happens!


Well, enjoy, just don't get too carried away. Keep it civil. ; )



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Yeh unexpected eh? i thought this thread would be completely unintersting.

I think the only game that we can compare to jk2 properly would be Sof2 because it's also q3 engine.


Ok so here goes....
















Place your bets now.. once again it seems jko sems more stratagetic ( if u look ato ther shots) and Sof2 seems more die u Fother Muckers!!!

Graphical wise Sof2 comes out best in osme while jk2 coems out better than othero nes in Sof2...


I'll tell u what i choose in a while

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Guest Celestial

Ahhh, I just love false speculation. Now I know what Dynamix had to deal with over at www.tribalwar.com when T2 was first released.


I met with the DEV team and Sierra, and believe me it is not the T2 engine. There were a ton of mistakes made by the DEV team from the old to the new. A few of those stories I cannot share but what I can tell you is that its not the engine. Personally, I did not like Tribes 2 either, however just because I don't like it doesnt mean its not good. Those are opinions and only opinions.


Quake 3 engine is being heavily modified by Raven, so its not like its the original one. Okay I'm talking to much...


nuff said.

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Even if people think the graphics of JK2 arent as good as other games (by the way, I think their the best at the moment).....you only have to look at this screenshot



which shows the distance at which levels are rendered, thanks to the advanced Quake 3 engine. This will be one of the main reasons why the specs of the game will be so high. I also like the lighting affects on this picture......and people on these forums say there isnt enough detail to the levels :rolleyes: . Also, a lot of these screenshots dont seem to be at high resolutions (just look at the HUD to realise that).......their only at 640 x 480.

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OMG i jsut realised that. imagien hwat they'll be like at 1024x***(*)... they'll be amazing!

Ok if u take away your anti spoon i'll take away my flaming monkey.


Sof2 screens are at high which means jk2 could very well be the same or even better!

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE:

<STRONG>you only have to look at this screenshot [...]

which shows the distance at which levels are rendered, thanks to the advanced Quake 3 engine.



What distance?

Have you ever played Unreal?

I just revisited that game (first time I've played it in 4 months) and the scale on the Bluff Eversmoking level is gigantic, that JKO pic absolutely pales in comparison.

One fairly sizable shaft (which looks taller than it is because the player faces upwards) does not Summer make.

Jedi Knight was known for its vertigo inducing depths and heights, which is a tough quality for Raven to live up to.

Believe me, I do hope they will get it right, but that screenshot is not proof to me.


and people on these forums say there isnt enough detail to the levels :rolleyes: .


There isn't, you're probably just fooled by the repetitive texture on the shaft walls in this case.

I have to admit though, things are looking better than they did before (this screenshot being one of the highlights, despite my criticism), so I still have hope it'll all turn out fine in the end.

I think it's just important to not get your hopes up too high, you're bound to get disappointed if you expect next gen (Unreal2-ish) visuals.


[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: X-Vector ]

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Yea, can you imagine with high resolutions :).....also that is not an actual game shot, but a launch shot when the game was first announced, indeed it looks nice, but i have seen some really bad screenshots of the actual game......I might be a total Unreal fan, but im wondering what the final product will actually be like....also we're expecting long delays on it, the dates have already been put back and the game isnt even near the end of development. That kind of thing is only supposed to happen the day the game is supposed to hit the shelves.

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Originally posted by Celestial:

<STRONG>Ahhh, I just love false speculation. Now I know what Dynamix had to deal with over at www.tribalwar.com when T2 was first released.


I met with the DEV team and Sierra, and believe me it is not the T2 engine. There were a ton of mistakes made by the DEV team from the old to the new. A few of those stories I cannot share but what I can tell you is that its not the engine. Personally, I did not like Tribes 2 either, however just because I don't like it doesnt mean its not good. Those are opinions and only opinions.


Quake 3 engine is being heavily modified by Raven, so its not like its the original one. Okay I'm talking to much...


nuff said.</STRONG>



i dont think anyone said the tribes2 engine sucks. I did say however that the tribes2 engine, more specifically the map editor doesnt do indoor levels well. In order to do custom indoor levels you have to create those in wordlcraft and then convert them for the t2 editor.


The T2 engine does have problems. Dynamix has "magic PCs" that they use to play this gmae on. On their "magic pcs" they get great performance but on real world PC we all get bad performance. The tribes 2 dev team took a game that wasnt broken gameplay wise and totally destroyed it. Any smack throw at them from tribalwar.com was all deserved. Its like raven taking jk2 and totally screwing up and or removing the force powers. Or removing the saber. You just dont screw with gameplay when its perfect.


Again though, the T2 engine is very capable. Its just dynamix made some horrible mistakes(dave G is a *** i hope he rots in hell) and sierra didnt help by pushing the game out the door early.

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Yeh iamgine it on high resolution and do u notice that kyle is acutally realisticly (i've never seen it before) holding the saber. it's as if he IS real. the arm is not bent in a game way but as if it's an acutal photo. his arm is always bent in all the star wars games i've ever seen (or swords for that matter)

And BTW that is much much better than ut's enviroments.

and di u acutally notice that the grass is repetitive in sectors. aobut 4 in that shot

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umm....that is not a cutscene










these shots show a variety of things, but my point is to show the different areas the game is placed in, and the always new textures. half the JKII textures are gray, that = boring to me and many others


[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: RaoK ]

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator:

Now THAT is a cutscene.


No it isn't. Nor are the others RaoK posted. I've been following Unreal II's development since before those shots were released, and watched the Unreal tech vids that preceded them.


The Unreal engine is very good at allowing vertical as well as horizontal scale. Just run off the cliff at Nyleve's Falls in the original Unreal to get an idea...(if you hit the water, you don't get killed either) ;)


No offence to Raven, but I think the newest build of the Unreal engine would have been better for building the levels...but then, we might not have all that other cool Raven tech that is going to make JK2 a great game. ;)


Originally posted by X-Vector:

Jedi Knight was known for its vertigo inducing depths and heights, which is a tough quality for Raven to live up to.


Yes, but remember that LEC cheated in a way with some of those drops, by setting the textures and lights to black at the bottom...so many of the bottomless shafts were not as deep as they seemed. ;)


I do get your point, though. There were many very vertical parts to JK's levels, although I think there was a trade-off between horizontal size and vertical size. The black shafts in JK seemed to be more prevalent in the levels with a larger horizontal scale. I can see a similar thing happening with the modified Q3:TA engine. :)

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I have pretty strong points here a i'm not the one that created this pic ( i put in the writing but not the cicles. I got this off a a german q3 board a long while ago. Anti U2 people i think.. dunno anyway here it is


You've got to copy and paste into browser then when u coem back it will show (dunno why)


[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: Agen_Terminator ]

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Originally posted by StormHammer:



Yes, but remember that LEC cheated in a way with some of those drops, by setting the textures and lights to black at the bottom...so many of the bottomless shafts were not as deep as they seemed. ;)


I do get your point, though. There were many very vertical parts to JK's levels, although I think there was a trade-off between horizontal size and vertical size. The black shafts in JK seemed to be more prevalent in the levels with a larger horizontal scale. I can see a similar thing happening with the modified Q3:TA engine. :)</STRONG>



what he said. didnt anyone else have the toggleable fly cog? Those chasm werent that deep. Good slight of hand that looked the part. but not real.


Raven uses iD tech because they are familiar with it. they can churn out games quickly with tech they are used to working with.

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