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Questions not to ask at chat.

General Theros

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I really think we need to make a list of questions that shouldn't be asked at the chat event. I don't know how many times I've seen a chat where most of the time was wasted answering a bunch of newbie questions.


Do not ask....

1. will those laser swords be used in the game?

2. Am I going to be able to use force powers?

3. Can I play as Darth Vader??

4. Can you give me a list of cheat codes??

5. Is the Bryar pistol (insert other known JO weapon) going to be in the game?


These are just a few I could think of. For the love of all that is good and right don't ask questions you can get answered here!!!!Anyone else have any they would like to post. Let's hear 'em!


General Theros

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Top Ten Stupid JKII Chat Questions:



10) Are you over budget yet? (They'll shoot you if you ask.)


9) Jedi Knight II?!? What was the first one about? (I'll shoot you if you ask.)


8) Will there be customizable controls so my cat can play, too?


7) What's a "Tosti"?


6) Why did the chicken cross the road?


5) Am I on? Can you see this? Testing, one, two, three, testing... Alright, just checking, guys.


4) Is this the first game to use the Quake 3 engine? (Oh, sure, of course this is the first, even Quake 3 hasn't used it yet.)


3) Duh... I'm lost... are you my mommy?


2) Why is Kyle's lightsaber blue now? (If one more person asks that frickin' question ONE MORE TIME, I'm gonna' shoot 'em.)


1) Will Princess Leia star in her metal bikini?


(Face it, you pervert, it'll never happen.)

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I agree. Last time there was a chat people asked really dum questions that got us nowhere. If they are in a position to give information away this time there should be quite a lot of new stuff because JK2 is so far along in development. One question id like to ask is about how long until we see some kind of demo.

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I think people should try to phrase their questions so the answers will be concise, but still say a lot about the game. It just seems that someone asks something like "so what's Kyle up to this time around?" Granted, we get some useful info from these, but we get a load of crap we already know at the same time. I say keep it short and sweet and get as many of em in as possible.

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Im sure some of those stupid questions will be asked

we are not the only people who would ask, and they can choose the most stupid questions so they dont answer what they dont want to

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yeah why is kyle's lightsaber blue it was orange in mysteries of the sith, but i like blue better than orange, when i first saw the orange lightsaber i said to myself "why is it orange that color is boring, why couldn't they make it interesting." also i think they aim for march as the release date, but not sure what day, so once when it comes to febuary like around the end of it that's when i predict when the will announce the release date.

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*walking out of a dense cloud of smoke* Glad someone agrees. *cough, cough* By the way, let's not forget that this thread is about what NOT to ask. Not WHAT to ask.


Oh, and Trernst... *ignites saber, slices Trernst's frickin' arms and legs off* That's what happens when you mess with Master Philbo. *walks away, leaving Torso-Trernst to think it over*

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The problem with that Simon Jeffery chat a while back was that he wasn't really in a position to give us any really specific info on games, so we all ended up asking very general and vague questions coz we got fed up with him not answering the ones we really wanted to know about.


This time (hopefully) will be different...

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