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A.I. Reactions

Guest JediKnight_114[b]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

I was wondering after playing through Jedi Knight when I do something surprising like force speed through a room and the Stormtroopers react like they see it everyday, if this will be so in JKII? When you do something irregular, will the enemy be surprised or stunned, or hesitate, or do something that makes it seem more real.


Like, throw a Thermal in the room, will they run from it, or gather around like in JK. Will they recoil from the blast, cover their eyes, defend themselves, or what? I want to see some realism in how the enemy reacts to surprising scenarios. Ie, force running through the room, I want to see them sort of taken aback for a split second since some guy is moving through the room at the speed of a landspeeder, instead of just unloading their blasters (as if they could :rolleyes: ) the moment you open the door.


What do you think?

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One think i really hope they put in is AI reaction time.


In lots of games you can run round a corner, and before you can even take in who is in the room they have all fired instantaneous acurate shots at you. It should take them half a second to get their weapon round to get a shot off. ANd maybe another second or two to get an acurate shot off.


I like the way in games like Goldeneye and Nolf the enemy aren't always acurate with their first shot or two.. it takes them a while to get you properly targeted.


Maybe if they had different levels of alertness. So when they weren't alert it would take them a few seconds to target you (as above) but if you had made a noise or set off an alarm earlier then they might be fully alert and quicker on the draw.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Exactly, that's what I meant. If you make a bunch of noise before entering a room, they'll be edgy and waiting on the other side to blast you at first chance. Whereas if you just run into a guard at a little used post, he's not gonna be on full alert by any means, so would take longer to spring into action.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Probably true. I just hope they have actually intelligent A.I.


Oh, Btw, welcome Lord Chief. *hands Lord Chief welcome gift basket.* Enjoy your stay with us. If you have any questions, don't bother me with them :D

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Have any of you played the Ghost Recon demo?

That has really good AI reactions, when I was doing it silently I saw one guy bend over and touch his toes, then after shooting him his mates came around the corner all alert and looking for a fight, then when I opened fire, they all took cover and started throwing grenades at me while others kept me pinned down. Talk about excellent reactions, the only problem was their uncanny ability to hammer me the instance I step into the room, and the fact that they were standing there like they were expecting me to come around the corner.

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Originally posted by SuperStupidStormie:

<STRONG> the only problem was their uncanny ability to hammer me the instance I step into the room, and the fact that they were standing there like they were expecting me to come around the corner.</STRONG>


that is exactly what i hate. even if they are expecting you to come around a corner (which they usually wouldn't be) it should still take a fraction of a second for them to react.


i like the grunts in the snow level of NOLF, if you zoom in on them from a distance they and shivering and have their arms crossed to keep warm. ;)


if you approach an enemy from other than the front it should take then a small amount of time to turn, and then take aim. In most games you can sneak up on enemies, but if you make a noise they have turned and shot you in the head before you have time to press the trigger. grrrr.


oh, and how about having some enemies who don't have their guns on them (a stormie barrack with the rifles in a rack on the wall, a bar table with their guns on the table) so they have to run over and grab their guns before they can attack you...


be cool if they could pick up guns in general too... especially if you have relieved them of theirs already...


[ November 15, 2001: Message edited by: TomS ]

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Speaking about picking up weapons if they havent got one, SWAT 3 anyone??!!

I had cleared out a room(on my own), was in the process of handcuffing some suspects when I had to deal with more, only to come back and find those I hadnt handcuffed had run off and picked up some new guns that were left lying around. That taught me to always clear up their weapons.

This game is an excellent example of A.I picking up weapons.

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because he wants our opinions and ideas, and he doesnt want to wait for a chat that he might not even get into and if he does he might not even get to ask his question

then theres the question of whether or not they answer it to their fullest.

what i meant was that he could get a answer from someone that knows the answer as well as these people here. It was a kin of why not...nothing to lose sort of thing

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I pretty much agree with TomS and JediKnight_114. This is why I hope they are fully implementing the LICH system in JK2, in additon to the GHOUL 2 system.


LICH is their AI system, and it's supposed to be very comprehensive. Just read some of the recent SOF2 interviews, and you'll find that the enemies in that game will be able to swap weapons, go from attack to stealth mode, work as a team to outflank you, even have different moods and alertness, and react to sounds etc. Everything you've mentioned should be possible.


However, SOF2 is Raven's flagship title, so I can't see them utilising everything in JK2. I guess that is a question for the Chat...Will they fully implement LICH in JK2?

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From Gamespot:


Likewise, the enemies you'll encounter will be quite fearful of you--what Imperial storm trooper isn't afraid of a Jedi knight? These characters' AI will dynamically change depending on their situation. For example, if you're greatly outnumbered by storm troopers, they'll act a little bolder and take chances they wouldn't otherwise. If the odds favor you, however, enemies will often run away and seek defensive positions. Tosti demonstrated enemy behavior by attacking and killing an Imperial officer in front of a group of storm troopers. Seeing their leader fall before them and having their morale broken, the troopers fled from Katarn. That doesn't mean that the enemies are cowards, though. Lightsaber duels with Sith lords will almost seem as if they're taken right out of the movies. Here, enemy AI will be smart enough to deftly maneuver away from your swings and parry with blows of its own when you leave yourself open. During one such scene, a Sith lord managed to dodge Katarn's sword swings by jumping over one and ducking under another. This level of AI will also carry on down to the lower rungs of the enemy hierarchy as well--don't be surprised if a storm trooper picks up a thermal detonator you've lobbed at him and throws it back at you. Also adding to the realism in the way that all the game's enemies react is the fact that most of the moves in Jedi Outcast are motion-captured, not animated. While "mocapping" does have its disadvantages, the most obvious advantage are character movements that as close to real life as possible.
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