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New site and new screens!

Guest Hannibal

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Hmmm...I'm always the last horse to the watering hole. Oh well, never mind.


All I can say is...WOOOHOOOO!


And a big hearty welcome to all the new forum members. :D


Those screenshots are really shaping up. Seeing that one with the shadow of Kyle...well, all I can say is I hope that realistic shadows make it into the final game. They add so much more to the atmosphere.


And that concept art on the site is great, because it gives us some insight to other levels we haven't seen yet in the screenshots. I wonder what that Combustion Chamber is used for? :eek:


I really like the shot with flying Stormtroopers. That's a very nice TD explosion.


Overall, the graphics are great, the levels are looking very nice, and the models are all very detailed.


I still have a few doubts about how the game will play, though. I wasn't as concerned about co-op mode...but I always hoped JK2 would build on the moral and RPG elements of it's predecessor. I guess we'll have to wait for a demo to see the game's features in action.


Thanks for the new web site and information Lucasarts. And keep up the great work, Raven. ;)

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That's no 300 ft. spacing between the platforms. Plus, they are spaced in a spiral pattern. That spiral pattern coupled with the fact that they are incredibly out of place (no ladders to reach the platforms, no apparent purpose for the platforms - that's a whole lotta platforn for just holding up a light bulb) leads me to think, "Platform jumping."


I do hope I'm wrong. I want this game to be as fun as JK is. I'm not going to wait for reviews or the $10-off sale price at Best Buy; I'm going to buy it as soon as it hits the shelves, so I hope it's not disappointing. Finally possessing JK2 only to find out the level designers relied on platform jumping levels for filler would be like getting nothing but underwear for Christmas.

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Originally posted by Locoman:

That's no 300 ft. spacing between the platforms. Plus, they are spaced in a spiral pattern. That spiral pattern coupled with the fact that they are incredibly out of place (no ladders to reach the platforms, no apparent purpose for the platforms - that's a whole lotta platforn for just holding up a light bulb) leads me to think, "Platform jumping."


I do hope I'm wrong...


First of all, welcome to the forums Locoman. Enjoy your stay...


Hmmm...the design in that screenshot does seem a little strange. Of course, those platforms might actually be some kind of elevators travelling up the pipes to take you up the cylinder in stages. Or that fan at the top might have a large role to play in how you get up the cylinder - remember the levels in JK where you had to float up some shafts, etc.? I believe there were some places to rest when the wind velocity died down. Maybe it's something like that.


I think it's a bit early to judge it, without seeing it in motion.

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I came home from school all weary and tired out until WWWWWAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!. All of this I must say I 'm VERY pleased with the shots. The new HUD looks great. The site is also nice, graghis are way cool. And I can't wait to slice up some of you'll in saber mode. :D And welcome to the newbies :) .

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About Time... i can now release u form the chair, Gonk, and drink some of this cod liver oil u didn't like. Nice Site even thugh i hardly can get through but other wise the knotes bits look quite cool and i'm glad they made jk2.net the premier forums. and i wonder if masassi is gonna be all about jk2 now instead of jk.

Welcome to the newbies.

Hope u enjoy the hype and some of the stupid messages and be sure to visit the "let's make a story" thread, loads o' laughs there

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wow.. i am all excited again.. :)


i love the fact that the thermal detonator sends enemies flying... (has the one on the right lost his head??) and seems to have a 3d shockwave effect. the explosion cold still look a bit bigger though.


The levels are definately starting to look bigger, more vertical and more JK. I like it...they obviously haven't finished all the textures yet... the ones they have done look great (especially on the models) but there is way to much repetition/tiling on the cylinder shots... (reminds me of the levels i used to make for JK... i could never do textures...)


what is that in the bottom shot??? crouching


the reason to hve jump puzzles is that force jump is cool... so you want to use it for something... They are pretty cool as long as they are used in moderation and aren't instant death... jk had the balance about right. Although in JK i kept jumping on everything, just cos i liked force jump...


(That one looks pretty easy...)

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Seeing that one with the shadow of Kyle...well, all I can say is I hope that realistic shadows make it into the final game.


Quake3 had realistic shadows in it, you just had to turn them on from the console. They were also in elite force. Note that the method Quake3 uses for its shadows isn't perfect ( not soft shadow style ), but they're much better than those little shadow blobs under the characters.


Anyway, it will be interesting to see how the game evolves in the next couple of months. As it is, I think we've seen some decent improvents. Also, if I ever get a bit worried, I just try and remember that most of the visual polish seems to pull together towards the end of the development cycle.


[ November 17, 2001: Message edited by: Rancor ]

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I knew about the shadows in those other games...but with all the changes Raven is making to the engine, I was beginning to wonder. :D


Taking shadows a bit further...I liked the effect in RUNE where the shadow lengthened/shortened and changed direction according to the light source. I hope they do something similar in JK2.


[PEDANTIC MODE] Of course, in that screenshot, we should really be seeing 2 shadows - one from the light source behind Kyle (which is visible), and one from the lightsaber in his hands (which is not visible). [/PENDANTIC MODE]


Of course, taking it the next logical step, it would be really cool if they could do shadows like those in Severance: Blade Of Darkness. Shadows climbing the walls etc., and moving as the light source moves, is just great - and helps you to spot enemies coming at you around corners.


I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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Originally posted by StormHammer:

<STRONG>Or that fan at the top might have a large role to play in how you get up the cylinder - remember the levels in JK where you had to float up some shafts, etc.? I believe there were some places to rest when the wind velocity died down. Maybe it's something like that.



Yeah, I remember those levels.

I also remember similar scenes from Monolith's Shogo: Mobile Armor game and Half-Life.


About those screenshots, it's nice to see the improved texture detail and the larger scale depicted in some of the shots, but there's still a lot of room for improvement left.

The first shot posted in this thread is particularly bland and the one with the TD reminds me a bit too much of EF (the side walls especially).

The TD model itself is cool though, as are those of the ST rifle and bowcaster.

I also really like the BC wielding enemy model, those detail textures are very nice.

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