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JKII.net Button Contest

Guest ZeroXcape

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I'm more of a free lance designer. I have designed lots of site. But none of them was for $


You could say it is sort of a pass time :rolleyes: (your probebly thinking: FREAK!). The thruth is, I was thinking of going into web design. But I changed my mind... after learning lots of it. I am either going into programming or networking. (I am one the few lucky students to fallow a College Cisco Systems course in High School... for free! :D

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Really? Where do you live?


I suggest you take it if you love computers a lot and if you are ready to be dedicated to hours of studying. In total there are 4 semesters. It's basicly how to create, administer, and etc a network. (not a cheesy 2 to 5 PC. I'm talking about an enterprise!)


The first semester might seem easy. But the last quater, if you start slacking off... you'll regreat it. In my calss about 5 sutdents allready droped out.

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nice site jabba


Yeah I'm game whenever there's a designing contest, and you all should too!

you never know what happens


Like one year ago, clanpages.com had a logo contest.

I never planned on participating cuz I always thought that others would create a thousand times better graphics.

But I tried some logos and finally sent my best in...and whadda ya know? It frigging won, the little bastard :)


And because they liked it so much, they also wanted a web-design to go with it... for $$$!

Yeah and the fun didn't stop there, cuz after I made a complete re-design for clanpages.com the asked me to redesign gamehappy.com aswell :D

now that that's done I'll have to start at pathfinderz.com soon

Those 3 sites are all in the same company, so that was my biggest luck lol.


so what's the moral of this story?


even if you think you suck at designing, just play along! There's no telling what'll happen...


Also in 2 years I'll be going to (how do you say this in english..?) a designing academy(?) In which they teach you 3d animation,2d animation, video animation, web-design, flash etc...Hoping to work making 3dstuff for movies and games later on.

So I'm really really really really looking forward to that school man :D



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Two school years, yes. To Cisco Network it is a 4 semester course. But since in school we only have 2 semester a year it does not exactly fallow the same time frame. In one semester we are allready half way into the 2nd semester. We then pick up where we left off in September.


This course has changed the way I think of computers. It also tought me that there are a lot of people who think they know everything, but they don't. icon10.gif I remember reading a pointless debate about IPX and IP on an other forum. Back then I was clueless, now I just laugh at them. icon10.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ChrisC3po

We’ve been so busy with designing other sites that I must admit we completely forgot about the contest. We will be announcing the winner either tomorrow or Friday.

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