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Did Kyle dye his hair? :)

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If anyone remebers back in MotS Kyle had graying hair. Now it looks like hes 10 years younger....:p around the original Jedi Knight time. Just wondering what's with that :). Does that mean the story is going to countinue after the Original JK, but skip over MotS, as if it never existed? :)



________________________________________________--------------------------------------------- :)_________________________________________________________________________________---- -----------------------------------------______________________

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To answer these questions: When a Jedi is seduced to the Dark Side, the destructive energy of the Dark Side begins to take a toll on the Dark Jedi's body, (ie, Emperor, who had to keep switching bodies to stay alive). Kyle's body was affected in the same way when he went to the dark side, I assume after you leave it the affects subside or the power of the light side restores your body (either through himself, or Mara or Luke). That is why Dark Jedi can come back to the light (ie Kip Durron, Kam Solusar)

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Look at the pic where kyle's force-pushing the stormtrooper through the window, crank up the gamma and you can see his hair is graying at the bottom. It's just kind of a dark picture...

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I think they've done a good job with this Kyle. I too had noticed the lack of noticeable greying hair - but someone else has already offered a reasonable explanation for that.


The chat log said JKO takes place around 14 years post-ANH, if that's any help putting the timeline in perspective. ;)

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Originally posted by Angry Drunken Ewok:

<STRONG>In response to finalnight....the emperor(palpatine) NEVER switched bodies....he had many clones made(Dark Empire trilogy) but never once in the Star Wars time/story line did he switch bodies...and another person to add to the dark/light force switching is Luke Skywalker</STRONG>



He did switch bodies in the Dark Empire Comics, remember, when the emperor was killed by Vader in the second Death Star, his spirit was ripped away to that clone planet where it took him many years to recover.

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