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The Battle Screenshot


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This Screenshot


Everybody keeps saying that this was shot by another person but if you look closly the person that has a blue lightsaber has orange clothing on.So is that Kyle? and if not that means that Kyle is watching somebody fight.

Does Jan Ores wear orange clothes? If so then maybe Jan gets killed or something?Or it could be one of those in-game cutscenes.

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Guest ZeroXcape

We can't really disect these too much. The battle shot may have been taken during a cut-scene or from a third play in MP.


It does have the "42" in the bottom corner which leads me to believe it is a third player and that is his/her health.

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Guest Boba Rhett

If you zoom in on the pic, the person on the left is almost certainly kyle. And is it just me or does the person on the left have a ponytail?

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I don't know what you guys are all arguing over. I'm just drooling over the picture itself.

If you actually want to hear my opinion of the models... The guy on the left is wearing, what looks like, a flight suite. For those of you saying no already, I say that cause of the descriptions from the books. The New Republic flight suits have a less...ANH look.

Person on the right...heck...I could care less if that's a ponytail. I can't see anything past that flash of light! And it does look like a female model.

So there's my two credits. Take it and go get your Rancor something!

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DrIfTeR...yeah, I'd already noticed Kyle is cutting that person's head off. ;)


I wonder if we'll get to see the head fly off?


The other character also looks like a male, IMO. They've just got a short ponytail.


All in all - it's nice to see you can actually make such a hit with the saber this time around. :eek:

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If you look at the reflection on the floor, a very nice reflection by the way, you can clearly see from Kyle's saber trail that he is swinging down, and that his opponent is swinging up to block Kyle's shot at his middle section.


Remember all the weird camera angles from Obi-Wan, and from Jedi Knight when they were being developed? Well they are doing the same thing here. They are fighting and they just rotated the camera to get a cool shot to tease us with. :(


[ June 02, 2001: Message edited by: Ki-Adi-Mundi ]

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

<STRONG>We can't really disect these too much.</STRONG>


I agree. Looking at the architecture and the backdrops shown on the video clip, and comparing them with the screenshots we have on offer so far, I am pretty convinced that at least the majority of these screenshots are from the E3 demo level. Now, if I remember rightly, that level was put together purely for display purposes at E3 and won't be in the finished game. For this reason, I don't think we should be too analytical of these shots as yet.


It was mentioned in a number of previews that the demo at E3 exhibited a number of stormtroopers as well as one duel with a Dark Jedi. This seems to fit in pretty well with what we see in these screenshots.


What I do really like is the blaster rifle shown in the shot with the "fat" stormtroopers. It looks more like the original Dark Forces blaster rifle and less like the model used in JK, which I always thought was less visually impressive. I also really like the scope on the rifle shown in the same shot. I can't wait to recapture that great MotS feeling you got when you picked off a hapless stormtrooper miles away across a level. Top stuff! ;)

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Ripped straight from my Jedi Outcast fan-site..


Weapons officially announced by Lucasarts as returning include:


1. Lightsaber

2. Bryar blaster pistol

3. Blaster rifle

4. Wookie Bowcaster

5. Thermal detonators

6. Stun baton


I think that answers your question. :)


As to what other weapons we'll see, who knows? Well, apart from Raven/Lucasarts, who knows?

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Guest Thrawn

*stares off into space*


What pretty colors!


oh, back to the topic. I think these shots are from the demo as well.


Origionally i was hoping that this game would be about Kyle in the NJO timeline. One day they'll make a game off of that. I just want to fight the Vong. :)

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I totally agree with Ed, these screeshots have to be from the demo level shown at E3.

Analising them wouldn't give us to many things about the game. IMO it is to early to talk even about the Stormtrooper models as they might change them on the way...

But that Stormtrooper rifle looks really amazing! Very Dark Forces!!!

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