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Poll: The most over-rated civ...


Which is the most over-rated civ ?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the most over-rated civ ?

    • Imperials
    • Rebels
    • Trade Federation
    • Gungans
    • Wookies
    • Naboo

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Guest Tie Guy

The Imperials. They come in with their ATAT's but i don't think that they will be that great. My second choice would be the wookies, since there berserkers are probably not as good as people might now think. Who knows, a month after this thing is out, everyone may love the naboo.

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Guest Tie Guy

Really i think that the best...or worst...or most overrated civ depends on your style. If you like mechs then the Imps would be the best, and the gungans or Wookies the worst. If you like troops, the Wookies would be the best, and the TF the worst. If you like air or all-around, them the Rebels would be the best. Get what i'm saying?


"Strength is in the style of the beholder" --Tie Guy :D

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Guest Tie Guy

Does have a certain ring to it, doesn't it? :D


anways, you get what i'm saying. That's why i think that the Wookies are the best, and the Imps are most overrated, coz i like troops, that's my style.

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The Imps are definitely overrated. Just look at any thread that mentions any kind of attacking and you'll see at least somebody say "You think that's good?Well try to beat my 50 AT-AT's when they come in on your base". Know what I mean? Well I sure hope they make the AT-AT slow and very expensive that way if anybody has 50 AT-AT's,then they probably have no resources(and has probably mined all the resources found on the map) anymore and have no air defense and will therefore lose to only 1 measly droid starfighter. You know,kinda like in Starcraft where some guy attacks with like 20 battlecruisers or 15 ultralisks. And I bet it's a special unit like the faamba(The lady who designed it said it was basically an AT-AT with skin too).

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Guest Tie Guy

The special unit of the Imps is the Dark Trooper, not the ATAT. Everyone here is just joking about building 50 ATAT, that would be totally unpracticle, and very expensive. I don't think you'll have to worry about getting attacked by 50 ATATs. I do agree though, the Imps are way overrated.

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I don't trust stormtroopers. They are SUPOSED to be crack military troops, but sometimes it looks like they're on crack.

Obi-One "could sand people make such precise and accurate blaster shots... No this was the work of Imperial Stormtroopers."

:trooper: :trooper: :trooper: -------:jawa :jawa :jawa UTTINI

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Guest Tie Guy

Sorry to get a little off topic but.....


Anyone ever wonder why Imperial Troops have such horrible accuracy sometimes, and other times they don't. I mean, they take out an entire Corvette's troops with only like 3 losses, but they can't hit 3 people and 2 droids running away from Bespin for the life of them. I thought these were the most elite infantry units in the Empire, but they couldn't hit the broad side of a Star Destroyer at point blank, if you asked them to. :D


Back on topic....


I'm buying the game co it's gonna be alot of fun and its Star Wars. Plus, i love rts's and AOK. I'm not too worried about the civs, this game is gonna rock no matter who you play.

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Guest xwing guy

yeah, the Gungans aren't clumsy like Jar Jar there warriors, but they don't have blaster weapons so what are they gonna do about that? I think they all throw those energy balls at a distance and at close range they use there spears and other weapons.

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Guest Tie Guy

Hmm, i wonder if they switch weapons at different ranges, that would be an interesting feature. Like having a "Champion Arbalest."

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