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0mg, 2 new JKII sshots! Very nice looking


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I think the key problem with the Stormtroopers is the helmet. I think it's a little too large for the body, and it's too squared off at the bottom. It needs to be smaller, and tapered more. Other than that, the Stormtroopers are fine, IMO.


As for the second shot, looks to me like Kyle just cut the head off that Probe Droid. I reckon he just used saber throw to decapitate that piece of Imperial junk! :eek:


I like the pieces of debris flying off with the smoke trails. And the lightning around the Droid's body is simply superb - very reminiscent of R2 getting fried in the films...hehe...


And these are from a game only a few months old? If they do some tweaking and polishing, I think JKO is going to be a real blast!

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I saw the video clip of the gameplay and I can tell you, Though the saber trail looks odd in the screenshots, It looks !@#$ing AWSOME in motion! The trail in the screens are like that because of how fast he's moving, the screenshots cant capture the way it blurs. The stormies do look a little too round but im sure they will get better. What I really thought was cool was how in the video the stormies seemed to appear as if they were jumping through some sort of portal (ie: Stargate) it was really cool. The speed and animation in the game reminds me of the PC version of Obi Wan, very fast and with alot more saber moves. This thing looks GRRRRREAT!!!!!!!!

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Guest Krayt Tion

It is also my impression that it is the stormie head which is out of proportion with the rest of it's body.


Azlon_Tir has an important point with the saber trails- the saber tells a much different story when it is standing still then when it is in motion. Having screenshoted the movement of sabers and sabertrails throughout a large number of games and their mods, I can say that while the saber is moving you will not be notcing effects of the saber like you did in the screenshot. The saber should be moving too fast for your eye to clock distinct shapes of the saber trails. In closer examination of screenshots I have taken of various in-game sabers I have noticed things that looked quite odd but when the saber is moving I couldn't see any of them; it is the end effect of the saber in motion that is important. And yes I have seen the JK2 video. :)

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With the risk of getting the hole forum against me, I still say that the shoulders and arms are out of proportion.


As for the difference between things in motion and standstill, I think that applies to about anything. Everything will look a lot better when you move around.


But frankly... will you pay attention to every little detail when the laser blasts are whizzing and the legions are attacking?

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Originally posted by ed_silvergun:

<STRONG>I think the two stormtroopers in the foreground of the picture seem out of proportion because they are walking up a slope. If you look at the ones in the background, standing straight upright, they seem far more in proportion.</STRONG>



I think you hit the nail on the head. This is precisely what I was thinking.

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Guest Thrawn

The screenshot with the stomrtroopers looks a lot like Dark Forces, so I guess they're going back to their roots in this one. They've even gone back to using the blaster rifle from DF, instead of JK. If this is after ROTJ, you would think they would use the model from JK, since using one from DF makes it look like the time before ANH. Ah well, small detail. I like it either way :):cool:

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Guest Thrawn

*Lucas walks into Raven with two REAL stormtroopers at his side*

GL: Status report?

Worker: Sir, work is preceding on schedule!

GL: Good, gasp! What is that? FAT STORMTROOPERS! The Horror! *snaps fingers* Boys you know what to do.


*stormies try to shoot the workers but miss with their horrible aim, destroying their computers instead*

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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

<STRONG>So the helmets are too big and the shoulder pads not correct. But didn't you see, OH MY GOD THEY LEFT OUT THE BOOT TOE SPIKES! Quick call George Lucas!

This project is in shambles! :rolleyes:</STRONG>


Good one, Wilhuf, ever the one to bring the discussion back down to earth. :)

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