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Weapons Debate: Heavy Weapons


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my $.02


JK had ff and nf, IMHO this lead to a problem.

in FF the Conky is perfect, as are mines (need brains to use) and the rail.

in NF, people played oasis.. big open, and relativly slow v, so the conky owned.. in more tight spots I always use a rail in preference over the conky.. simply cause it hurts more. the sabre with some thought is useful on a tight level in nf guns, as are the xbow if you can ambush people.. (most people dis the x bow, and when I see most people use it they use it like a large bryar using 2ndry.. that usually doesnt work, a nice fully charge load in the face tho.. well :))

Oasis tho is great for FF, perfect size and layout. JK tried to balance half the guns for nf, half for ff. some levels for nf, some for ff.. and they ended up everyone on oasis or bgj wif big guns or just sabres. (tho its true this is because most of the other levels sucke.

if they radically alter the force speed (eg it for short bursts and high cost, for jumping purposes) then it will mean that it will be a lot easier to design levels and weapons for.

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Imperial Repeater Raven should ramp up the damage and rate of fire on this weapon, and attach a thermal detonator launcher to it for secondary fire. Make it a dual machinegun/grenade launcher weapon. Imperials would issue a weapon like that.

sweet idea wiluf
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I don't know wether Difference OR solidity keeps me going back for more Jabba! I mean, I had both, but my girlfreind has only just left me for those 2 reasons! hmmph! :confused: Anyways. I've been a JK freak (or just a freak ;) ) Since it first graced all good video game stores (nearly 5 whole years ago) and I can honestly say my feelings are still going strong for it today.

Although, I personally beleive that the only reason i DO still play it, is because It's one of the very few games that are "open" and editable and easy to do so. Apart from half-life, which, well, let's face it, it's not Star Wars is it. And besides, theres only so many scientists and squadies you can take. I can't think of any other game that has had so much of a look-in at the weapons, mods and add-on's as Jedi knight! one thing though! why oh why oh why has Lucasarts not twigged on to how big a following JK has had BEFORE now! Why didn't they realise that there is so much talent out there producing Levels, mods etc and make yet another add-on or even sequel themselves instead of making us wait this long. And no I don't mean another Mysteries of the Sith-esque package!!! This makes me think that LEC must have something very VERY special indeed planned for JK2. Lets hope it's not JUST a new armada of contemporary blasters, rifles and sabres!!!


Long live Jedi Knight.


now where's my grapple hook patch?... ;)

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other possibilities of weapons along the lines of concusion rifles and rocket launchers and also those of the redeemer(from UT) sort?


lol.. that would be funny. if ur gonna put UT weapons in there we need a shock rifle for all da shock whores out there. bluecap.gifshockwhore.gif


this weapon would be too crazy for JKII.




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Guest Sithxace

I think the cocussion rifle is only good with bounty hunters, should have more smaller guns and i hope you could interact with repeating guns.

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it'd be nice to see some Ep1 TPM weapons(from the game) like that big repeater weapon, the proton torpedo launcher, etc.


i wonder if putting in droids that fight for you would be good.. like the Proxy mines from the Chaos UT mod

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possiblities for the bowcaster:

Theory 1

The two nodes could well produce an atmospheric "Casmir" effect if provided with sufficient power. The nature of the field(s) in question produced by the nodes is still a matter of discussion by my colleague Joao Leao and myself, but consider a visual analogue to be similar to what happens to a wristwatch when it gets dropped next to an active Magnetic Image Resonance machine. Basically a linear accelerator in disguise as a medical device. This would not focus the beam or bolt discharge in question, but it would likely be accelerated, perhaps to some great extent.


If you were looking for another visual example of this type of weapon in practice, the Eldar from Warhammer 40K use "Shuriken Catapults" that use spherical nodes of a charged field type to accelerate their projectile weapons.


Theory 2

The two nodes could actually be powerfully (positively) charged and the amount of the overlap of the two energy fields created by the polarization nodes could be controlled by the expansion/contraction of the thin non-conductive bar set between the nodes that we mistake for a "string". This could explain why we never see the "string" move, simply because it's actually quite solid and happens to fit the visual idea that we have for a crossbow.


Question here: did the weapon name itself after it was made, or did its name factor into the shape of the weapon?


The focal point for the beam/bolt emmission would be 2-dimensional in position (being located at a fixed point in space relative to the beam/bolts path), but 3-dimensional in effect. The focal point within the field created lens could be altered in shape and position by varying the polarization fields intensity and relative distance to each other. You could, in effect, alter the beams flight path by changing the lens's position relative to the beam. In doing so, you could fire a beam/bolt through the lens and then have it travel up to (an example based on the mathmatics of manipulation of the polarization field densities that make up the lens) 45 degrees away from the sighted path of the weapon. A gun that could fire around corners if you will. Also a real danger to those around an individual who does not know proper maintenance of their weapon.


Theory 3

Both the nodes are simply weights to counter balance the sharp rear-ended balance point on the Bowcaster caused by poor manufacture and design. The string is there as a visual sales gimmick to appear to those "tough and rugged" individuals who like a "man's weapon" of significant weight and power.


The idea of using variable electromagnetic fields as non-physical lenses for high energy focus is not a new one, and considerable work is currently being invested in it as I write this. Some of the current work in ZPF could well lead to propulsion systems quie similar in function to the ideas put to ink by science fiction writers of today.




I tend to favor theory 2 here. It could be argued that by real time manipulation of the fields produced by the nodes (implying some sophisticated computer control over the weapon) that the beam/bolt of the weapon could be focused either for greater short range power, or for greater range with weaker power. Possibly, Chewie's weapon could have only the one setting, or his weapon's onboard electronics automatically tailor the focusing fields based on ranging target data from the weapons sensors.


All this equipment built into the weapon would likely increase its weight to at least that of a present-day fully loaded M-16A1 or M-60. Hardly the weapon for a person needing a "fast" firearm for the smugglers life. A Wookies strength would allow him to carry this weapon without penalty. Also there is the possibility that prolonged exposure to the dual polarization fields could have an adverse affect on the human system. Again, Wookies may not suffer the same penalities as humans around the weapon and may actually be totally unaffected by fields considerably stronger.


Well this is my spin on the Bowcaster at present. I hope that some of this information promotes further discussion on human technological advancement.


Chip Partaledis

Smithsonian Astrophysics Observatory


bowcaster = might just be a form of the squad automatic gun

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I think what Crazy said above with a saber "system" is the logical step for Jedi Outcast and I hope it's implemented. Do away with any type of AUTO block as well. I say don't keep the saber simple, make it more complex. An actual saber duel would not be "simple." It would take a little thought to know when and where to attack the opponent. Do away with the double swing nonsense which will greatly intensify a saber duel, making it far more enoyable and rewarding after a "system" is implemented.


Almost forgot, the blasts from the STrifle would look VERY cool with the same kinda discharge from the Cloud City sequence from TESB with the smokey impact and all, instead of the puny red sparkles from JK1. The rate of fire should be slowed down as well, that is, if Outcast is gonna try and be faithful to the movies and actually project the player in the movies. This game *could* break a lot of new ground.


[ June 21, 2001: Message edited by: 667 ]


[ June 21, 2001: Message edited by: 667 ]

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An actual saber duel doesn't involve pressing keys, manipulating a mouse, controlling a joystick or gamepad, and sitting in front of a computer. Moreover, JKII isn't going to be a saber simulator.


Ever play Jurassic Park for PC? It's basically an arm simulator. User had to control in great detail the use of their arm. Not fun.


Of course Raven will keep the saber control mechanism "simple" so gamers can focus on the action. A few combo moves, probably through a few key or button presses will add to the strategy.

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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

<STRONG>An actual saber duel doesn't involve pressing keys, manipulating a mouse, controlling a joystick or gamepad, and sitting in front of a computer. Moreover, JKII isn't going to be a saber simulator.


..well personally I could manage pressing a few extra keys to make a saber duel a little more engrossing.


Ever play Jurassic Park for PC? It's basically an arm simulator. User had to control in great detail the use of their arm. Not fun.


No, that doesn't sound too fun


Of course Raven will keep the saber control mechanism "simple" so gamers can focus on the action. A few combo moves, probably through a few key or button presses will add to the strategy.</STRONG>


..Or maybe a less complex "action mode" for hacking up Stormtroopers and the like, and then a saber system for battling jedi.

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Wait wait wait.......The fists have to stay it just wouldent be right if they got rid of them..but I have an idea that might make them a lot more useful. Make them be able to go through sheilds, this makes sense too, shields should just block energy stuff!

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the wepons must be like water, water can flow... and water can crash, you put water into a jar it becomes the jar, put water into a cup it becomes the cup. you look at water and think it is soft, not even mountains and stant up to water. be waters my friend....

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Nope! sorry! I am still adament that a sabre system should be looked at! Im not talking as detailed as the "arm" system in Jurrasic park... as i mentioned in one of lmy last post's, i mean something like the "art of the lightsabre" patch. But hey, i aggree on the fist thing. Fists rule. Maybe they should have a fist system too!!!




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