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connection issues in JK2..


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how much of a role will broadband play? obviously, it will play some role, but if there are two players of equal skill, one on cable and one on a 56k, i would like to see the 56ker win some of those battles.

Of course, lag will be muhc diffrent for just saber fights compared to guns/force. i wouldnt think it would play that much of a role. 90% of the saberists in jk1 are lag machines...

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The game is still one year away. By then even more homes will have access to one or more broadband connection options. If your in a rural area, they have satellite now a days(steep price). Visit your cable company's website. If they don't list plans in your area, send them semi-hate email. My brother did, and the very next day I was cruisin on my cable connection.


Broadband will most likely play a major role.

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Well, I'm on a 56k connection, and that's not likely to change any time soon. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay a premium for an ISDN line when ADSL or Cable are better options. The only problem I have is the time it's taking to roll out these services across the UK. I live in a semi-rural area (the Welsh Valleys), and we're pretty much the last to see any new technology.


In addition, in the UK they are limiting ADSL bandwidth to 512k/s (unless they've changed it recently, but I don't think so), and you pay £40 (approx. $65) per month for the privilege.


Also, I've heard about some real problems concerning ADSL - like they can put up to 50 users on one line, or something, which kills your bandwidth, and makes it worse than a 56k connection. :(


As NeJJa said, Satellite may be limited, so the broadband future for the UK is looking pretty bleak, IMHO. I find it bitterly ironic that the UK government says it wants Britain to be at the forefront of technology in Europe...what a joke! :mad:


[ /rant ]

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Broadband will play a significant role for those who wish to host Jedi Outcast servers. These will require quality upload speeds.


Lag compensation, such as client-side collision detection, (for example, as found in Half-Life), can help reduce the disadvantage modem players have because of higher pings.


Nevertheless at the end of the day, if you have a high ping on a low bandwidth modem, there is nothing that can be done to completely eliminate latency.


What are the advantages of a dedicated client-server based architecture (found in Jedi Outcast and other Quake3 tech games) compared with a peer-to-peer model (as found in JK/MotS)? There are several:


-A dedicated server does not need to commit resources on graphics, sound or game player input. This is CPU bandwidth that can be committed to supporting the rules of the game. As a result, dedicated servers can host games with more objects and players than peer to peer servers running on the same hardware. More players and more complex gameplay.


-A dedicated server does not require the host to be present, in game, to run. So it can run 24 hours a day, every day.


-A dedicated server can actually reduce ping times, compared with peer-to-peer games.

In some instances the client-server model also reduces even further the ping between remote players. This is true in a way that peer-to-peer networking could never accomplish.


Under a client-server model, players would ping to a server, instead of to each other. In many instances the ping from a player to a dedicated server is smaller than the ping to a player who is running a listen server.


For example, if East Coast and West Coast players log in to a Midwest server, their pings to the Midwest server can be lower than if they were to connect directly to each other. Ping to the server, not ping to each other, is what matters in a client-server architecture.


-Lastly, dedicated servers are less vulnerable to client-side hacks than peer-to-peer games. The server, not the client decides, for example, whether a player hits the target. There are exceptions to this rule, however, in lag-compensation algorithms for some client-server games, which do allow the client to make a determination on whether a target was hit. Half-Life is one example.


[ June 02, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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